Updatable Firebird Views
Article by IBPhoenix : Updatable Firebird Views
Firebird related news
Article by IBPhoenix : Updatable Firebird Views
Article by IBPhoenix : The definitive guide to Understanding Firebird Transactions
Take a look here for a step-by-step intro for codeless data sync of Firebird data queries with 100+ external sources, on-premises or Cloud-based:
Article By IBPhoenix:
Sorry, for now, this is only for Brazilians…
Entrou no ar a campanha (crowdfunding) para financiamento do meu novo livro: “Guia de Migração para o Firebird 3”. Todas as informações e o formulário para contribuir estão disponíveis em www.firebase.com.br/guiafb3.php
Esse é um projeto totalmente independente, e depende de você para se tornar realidade! Dependendo de como for essa experiência, ela servirá de base para lançamentos futuros.
Acesse o link, leia e contribua se julgar interessante.Carlos H. Cantu
You can often see the following question in Firebird technical support groups: “What is the hardware of choice for the Firebird DBMS?”. This topic remains permanently popular because hardware requirements differ by tasks and hardware itself changes with time.
We in IBSurgeon decided to write Firebird Hardware guide in order to provide the necessary knowledge to anyone who wants to choose truly effective hardware for their Firebird database. To do it, you will have to learn some basic details on how Firebird, the operating system and, of course, hardware functions.
Dumitru created translations project on crowdin where you can join in and contribute translations that will be integrated back into Firebird Web Admin.
Article by Pavel Cisar :
Meet Raspberry Pi Zero: The new $5 Raspberry Pi
The cheapest way to run Firebird SQL on your own hardware. (Debian ARM)