Category: General news
Firebird related news
Become a sponsor to Pavel Císař
Become a sponsor to Pavel Císař :
His goal is to have 20 monthly sponsors on Github .
If you are using any of his open-source packages for a commercial project/product, please consider sponsoring him. It will help him further support and develop these (and new) packages.
Rust Firebird Client updated to v0.23.0 with a few features
How to write and build UDRs
How to write and build UDRs example by Paul Reeves .
Firebird usage from Android / C++ through JNI
This example shows how to use Firebird embedded in an Android app using C++.
The app is initialized using Kotlin and talks with a native C++ module that talks to Firebird.
Firebird-base 1.6.0
Firebird-base 1.6.0 driver released
The firebird-base package is a set of Python 3 modules commonly used by Firebird Project in various development projects (for example the firebird-driver or Saturnin). However, these modules have general applicability outside the scope of development for Firebird.
rfirebird – Firebird tool for raw access the database files
rfirebird – Firebird tool for raw access the database files
This is a study and demonstration project. Only use this project with offline copy of your database file.
Upgrading FirebirdClient (and Entity Framework Core provider) to .NET 7 Videos
Upgrading FirebirdClient (and Entity Framework Core provider) to .NET 7 Videos Part 1 and Part 2 were published by Jiri Cincura
Curso: Backups no Firebird (PT-BR)
This is only for Portuguese speakers.
Está cansado de lidar com a constante preocupação de perder informações importantes do seu banco de dados Firebird? Quer ter a certeza de que seus dados estão protegidos e sempre disponíveis, mesmo em situações de emergência? Então você precisa conhecer esse curso especializado em backups de banco de dados Firebird!
Você aprenderá técnicas avançadas e muitas vezes desconhecidas para fazer backups eficientes e confiáveis. Descubra também como fazer backup/restore em um único passo, sem precisar criar arquivos intermediários, economizando tempo, espaço em disco e simplificando o processo.
Saiba também como usar o gbak gerando como resultado final um backup já compactado com o 7zip, otimizando espaço em disco! Você também aprenderá sobre backups incrementais, mais rápidos e que armazenam apenas dos dados que foram adicionados ou alterados desde o último nível de backup, deixando o processo mais eficiente e possibilitando a realização de backups mais frequentes.
Apenas durante o lançamento, até o dia 24/fevereiro, o curso estará sendo vendido de R$ 397 por R$ 250 através do link Todos compradores receberão também gratuitamente meu eBook Guia de Migração para o Firebird 3!
Não perca mais tempo e garanta agora seu acesso a esse curso exclusivo! Proteja seus dados e tenha a certeza de que eles estão sempre seguros. Torne-se um expert em backups de banco de dados Firebird!
A venda e a entrega estão sendo feitas via plataforma Eduzz, e você pode pagar com cartão, pix ou boleto bancário.
RedExpert 2023.01 has been release
You can join to the Telegram chat for discussion.
New version of RedExpert 2023.01 is available.
- Recompilation all triggers, procedures, functions and packages
- Association of *.fdb files with RedExpert
- Recalculation of index selectivity
- Support for external triggers
- SQL SECURITY support for procedures, functions and triggers
- “Switch data display” button and key combination [ALT + NUM_ADD] in data tab
- Exit confirmation dialog
- Specifies explicitly how a table field is sorted (COLLATE) when creating a table
- “DDL to create” tab in “Edit constraint” panel
- Ability to view password during user creation and authorization at
- Ability to replace “\n” with another symbol when exporting to file with separators
- Ability to work with functions and packages in privilege manager
- Support for triggers on views
- Trace recognition
- Parsing SQL script with queries that have complex nested constructions
- Incorrect default value generation for procedures and functions
- Impossibility to create a new connection through the menu in the Russian localization
- Generating of primary keys when creating a table, if their names must be escaped
- Quotation mark when exporting into CSV
- Error when interacting with table constraints that have invalid default names
- Error when generating SQL script for adding table constraints when only one constraint was inserted into script instead of multiple ones
- Red Expert hangs after a data access error in the “Data” tab of the “Table” menu.
- Adding comments to database elements like “User” or “Domain” while editing them
- Generating SQL script when adding a new column to a table
- Export to a spreadsheet. Now export to Excel 2007 is possible
- Automatic generation of table name on creation
- Updating auto-complete cache after metadata changes
- Incorrect displaying of procedure parameter sizes
- Script execution error output if there is no connection
- Executing non selective procedures in the query editor
- Wrong message about authentication error
- Invalid connection status in the toolbar
- Loading data in a table when moving the cursor to the last table row
- Updated keyword list for syntax highlighting
- Creating a database with default charset
- Flickering interface in privilege manager
- Invalid representation of “DATE” type when exporting to SQL
- Undo/redo (Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y) in the query editor
- Nonoptimal space usage by result set in query editor
- Application hangs when opening objects
Download and install the new version.