Category: General news
Firebird related news
Firebird 3 high-level native client for Node.js / TypeScript
Adriano dos Santos Fernandes created and announced a new Firebird 3 high-level native client for Node.js / TypeScript
dbMigration .NET v5 released
dbMigration .NET 5.0 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and data synchronization tool.
With it you can easily migrate schema and data to Firebird and vice versa without complicated procedures.
Please refer to the release notes for the full list of changes.
FirebirdNews site revamped
I’m pleased to announce that FirebirdNews site now uses a modern adaptive theme, meaning that it will display correctly in several screen sizes, including mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
Carlos H. Cantu
Firebird encryption plugin and sources of client application
IBSurgeon has released the complete trial kit for Firebird encryption, which includes fully functional time-limited AES256 encryption plugin and demo application (in Delphi) to demonstrate how to connect to the encrypted database.
The trial kit is designed for the following:
1) Easy performance testing of the existing databases with the encryption: you can encrypt database on the server and test your existing applications without changing them.
2) Implement client-side security: there is a simple example of Delphi application (sources included) which demonstrates how to send the key from the client to the server.
Download Firebird encryption plugin and example of a client application.
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
Timeouts for SQL statements and idle connections, now merged into master (Firebird 4.0)
Timeouts for SQL statements and idle connections, now merged into master (Firebird 4.0). More documentation can be found on Statement Timeouts and Session Timeouts.
NodeJS C++ client node-firebird-libfbclient v.0.1.1 updated with a few fixes
Firebird Laravel 5.4 Support
Jacques van Zuydam created the following branch for Laravel 5.4 support
For Laravel 5.4 support use:
composer require jacquestvanzuydam/laravel-firebird:dev-5.4-support
FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.7 is available for download.
FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.7 is available for download.
What’s new:
* (PYFB-66) – Port parameter for connect and create_database is not used
* (PYFB-69) – Can not connect to FB services if set ISC_USER & ISC_PASSWORD by os.environ[…]
* (PYFB-70) – executemany(operation, seq_of_parameters) appears to run slower than it should
* Number of fixes to DDL generators in schema module
* Added support for Filter and BackupHistory in schema module.
* Added DDL scripts generator get_metadata_ddl().
best regards
Pavel Cisar