Database .NET 22.2 and dbMigration .NET 5.8 released!

Database .NET 22.2 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool. (Full support for Firebird 1.5~4.0+) (Change Log 2017/06/19)

dbMigration .NET 5.8 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and data synchronization tool, With it you can easily migrate schema and data to Firebird and vice versa. (Change Log 2017/06/19)

HQbird 2017R2

HQbird 2017R2 is a major upgrade of advanced Firebird distributive (versions 2.5 and 3.0) with high-availability, replication, optimization, monitoring and recovery tools. Please upgrade the previous version of HQbird with 2017R2 (this upgrade is free for all users of HQbird).

This release includes a lot of improvements in replication, monitoring, and optimization, as well as many bugfixes. Windows installer now supports an automatic upgrade of the existing HQbird installation, Linux support for auto-upgrade will be released later.

The main goal of HQbird 2017R2 is to provide administrators and developers of big Firebird databases with effective management, maintenance, recovery, and optimization tools, in order to keep databases always healthy and available.

More details about HQbird:

The pain of no documentation

Free software is suffering because coders don’t know how to write documentation

Interesting article (read it here). As much important as the “source code documentation” is the documentation for the users. Firebird suffered from the lack of official documentation for a long time. This is being fixed, and you can help right now, contributing to the newest doc crowdfunding from the Project.

Database .NET v22 released

Database .NET v22 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool.
(Full support for Firebird 1.5~3.0+)

  • Updated to FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll
  • Added support for Asynchronous connection open
  • Added creating remote databases for Firebird
  • Added preserving NULL values by Exporting and Importing delimited text files
  • Added generating Delimited text files by Script Generator
  • Fixed displaying Function objects for Firebird 1.5.x
  • Many more improvements and bug fixes
  • and more

Firebird x InterBase

Historical overview

InterBase was created in 1985: it was the first commercial multi-versioning database. In the end of 1999, Borland decided to close InterBase development and published its source codes under InterBase Public License. This code was copied (it is permitted by the license), and Firebird was born – from the version 1.0 Firebird is a production-ready database, based on previous decades of InterBase development.

At the end of 2000, Borland turned back to the closed source and commercial licenses (exactly as it was earlier) with InterBase and started development of 6.5.

Firebird 1.0 was released in 2002, with many bugfixes and extensions of DDL and DML. The active Firebird development continued after 1.0, and in 2004 the second major version of Firebird (v.1.5) was released. Borland at that time also has introduced new versions (7.0 and 7.1). Firebird 1.5 and InterBase 7.0 was incompatible both by database format (ODS) and core functionality. The migration from InterBase to Firebird and back with backup/restore is impossible since Firebird 2.0 and InterBase 7.0.

Since then, the difference between Firebird and InterBase became bigger.

Check the full article from IBSurgeon, and see the currently diferences between Interbase and Firebird.

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