Category: General news
Firebird related news
Database .NET 23.5 and dbMigration .NET 6.8 released
Database .NET 23.5 and dbMigration .NET 6.8 have been released.
(Full support for Firebird 1.5~4.0+ Embedded and Server)
For more information please visit the following links: (Change Log 2017/11/15) (Change Log 2017/11/15)
Firebird 2.5 Language Reference is finished with document version 1.000
Firebird Documentation SourceForge CVS to GitHub migration is done
News via Firebird-Docs mailing list :
The migration from SourceForge CVS to GitHub has been completed. The repository is at (with clone URL or )
Members of the firebird-documentation team have write access to the repository, and in addition to me and Helen, I have given Paul rights to add (or remove) members from this team.
Be aware that FirebirdSQL organization members that are marked as ‘owner’ also have write access and can manage the team.
I have disabled the issues and projects features, but left the Wiki enabled.
If there are any problems or questions, let me know.
Mark Rotteveel
Firebird has now builtin functions FIRST_DAY and LAST_DAY
Firebird Advent Calendar 2017 – Time for inspiration
Meiji Kimura and Hajime Nakagami created Firebird Advent Calendar 2017 , there Firebird Japanese community will post articles in each day of Advent period.
You can check for articles from the previous year for inspiration.
Firebird travis-ci is configured for all supported branches
Firebird supported branches from github are now configured on travis
Build status image after each checkin :
Ubuntu 17.10 comes with Firebird 3.0.2
Ubuntu 17.10 is released and it comes with Firebird 3.0.2 (Latest stable version)
Thanks to Damyan Ivanov and Debian project contributors to Firebird packages
IBReplicator V5.0.4 has been released.
IBReplicator V5.0.4 has been released. For more information please see the release notes.
Firebird ODBC driver repository is moved to Github
Firebird ODBC driver repository is moved to Github from old CVS Repository from SourceForge