Database Workbench V5.4.6 is released
Upscene releases Database Workbench V5.4.6
Firebird related news
Upscene releases Database Workbench V5.4.6
Database .NET v26 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool.
(Full support for Firebird 1.5~4.0+)
Avalerion for Firebird 3.0.4 is available. The Linux 64bit build will follow shortly.
German translation of ODBC/JDBC Driver manual is published (PDF available) and also pushed to Github repository .
Thanks to Martin Köditz
Hello everyone!
For fans only:
For the first time, we managed to perform all IBProvider system tests applicable to Firebird v3 in one run. This took 26 days and a ten-core processor.
Full note text:
IBProvider Team.
More info at this link.
Bipost Sync is an ETL-like Windows program to continually send data from Firebird SQL to AWS Aurora-MySQL and back forward.
We just released Bipost Synchronization version 1.1.0.
New features:
Firebird high-level native client for Node.js / TypeScript updated to v0.1.0 and marked as stable release.
There are minor changes compared to v0.0.1-beta.3
More info at this link.