MWA Software is pleased to announce that release 2.3.3 of IBX for Lazarus is now available for download from This release continues to track Lazarus 2.0 updates. Recent updates to the LCL TDBLookupComboBox have necessitated further changes to TIBLookupComboEditBox in order to ensure that TIBLookupComboEditBox continues to work when the DataSource is nil (i.e. with only a ListSource).
Otherwise, 2.3.3 consoliates further updates added to the IBX svn trunk since 2.3.2 including:
– ConfigOverrides for both TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection
– Improvements to TIBCSVDataOut, TIBInsertStmtsOut and TIBBlockFormatOut.
– Case Sensitive Parameter Name support
– TIBDatabase.Attachment and TIBXServicesConnection.ServicesIntf are now read/write properties
– TIBQuery and TIBDataSet now support the TDataset.Filter property for server side filtering of SQL result sets.
– Minor bug fixes (see release notes for details).
The latest release candidate for Lazarus 2.0 is recommended for use with IBX 2.3.3. IBX 2.3.3
has been tested with the up-to-date fixed branch for Lazarus 2.0.