New version of RedExpert 2020.08 has been released

New version of RedExpert 2020.08 has been released.

The main changes:

  • the launch of the program and the search for Java have been completely redesigned. Now if Java is not found, it is suggested to specify the path manually or download Java automatically;
  • fixed display of system objects (generators, domains and functions that are not defined by the user are not displayed in the main nodes);
  • fixed execution of the script containing “execute block”;
  • fixed editing procedure with declare variables block;
  • removed the type of object while copying the name;
  • fixed display of tables if “RDB $ RELATION_TYPE IS NULL”;
  • fixed bugs with autoincrement while creating and editing tables;
  • other minor fixes.

Download and install the new version.

Jaybird 4.0.1 released

Jaybird 4.0.1 has been released. Jaybird 4.0.1 is the first maintenance release of Jaybird 4, and introduces support for INT128 (a new type in Firebird 4), improves support for the Firebird 4 WITH TIME ZONE types by adding support for java.time.ZonedDateTime and making some of the derivation rules more consistent with Firebird. It also provides some bug fixes and other changes.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.0

  • Fixed: Changes to the transaction configuration (transaction parameter buffer configuration) of one connection are no longer propagated to other connections with the same connection properties (JDBC-386)
  • Fixed: Search index of Javadoc in Java 11 version used incorrect links (JDBC-619)
  • Fixed: The cleanup of native resources didn’t dispose the native library held by JNA, as a change in implementation no longer allowed directly access to the JNA NativeLibrary (JDBC-620)
  • Fixed: When updating a row through an updatable result set, selected but not updated blob fields were set to NULL (JDBC-623)
  • Added: Support for type INT128 (reported as JDBC type NUMERIC) (JDBC-624)
    See also Firebird 4 INT128 support.
  • Added: A static utility method FBDriver.normalizeProperties which, given a JDBC url and a Properties object, returns a Map<String, String> containing the merged properties normalized to common property name. (JDBC-627)
  • Fixed: Use of isc_dpb_no_db_triggers no longer logs a warning (JDBC-628)
  • Incompatible change: While making changes to time zone support, the API of was made almost entirely private. This should not affect normal user code.
    Although we try to avoid these types of incompatible changes in point releases, we explicitly allow them for the package and sub-packages.
  • Changed: conversions from TIME WITH TIME ZONE now use 2020-01-01 as base date for named zones (JDBC-629)
  • New feature: Added support for java.time.ZonedDateTime for the WITH TIME ZONE types (JDBC-630)
  • Fixed: Connection.setNetworkTimeout incorrectly used the provided Executor to set the timeout (JDBC-631)

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 14 (using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

IBSurgeon Firstaid 7.0 is released

IBSurgeon releases version 7 of FirstAID: recovery for Firebird and InterBase databases. 
This version includes the following new features and bugfixes:

  1. Support of InterBase is extended till the version of 2020
  2. Firebird 4 support was aligned with changes in ODS of Firebird 4.0 Beta 2 version, almost ready for the release
  3. Addressable space for 64-bit machines was increased to 3Gb, which allows to open and recover bigger databases
  4. Several bugfixes for BOOLEAN data type recovery and BLOBs processing

Download FirstAID now: 

Clients with available FirstAID activations (from version 3.0+) can download and use version 7.0 with existing licenses.

Those clients who have exhausted all activations, or users of FirstAID before 3.0, can upgrade here

Firebird 3.0.6 is out

Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 3.0.6 — the 6th point release in the Firebird 3.0 series. 

This sub-release offers many bug fixes and also adds a few improvements, please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes.
Binary kits for Windows, Linux and Android platforms are immediately available for download, Mac OS packages will follow shortly.

New Firebird driver for Python – preview release

There is now an official preview release – v0.5.0 – available on PyPI:

All core driver functionality works, except handling of limbo
transactions due to error discovered in Firebird (should be fixed in
soon to be released Firebird 3.0.6).

This preview version was released because the driver architecture is
evolving rapidly, and I would like get some feedback before the initial
release planned for end of June.

Some important notes about the driver architecture:

  1. It uses namespace package “firebird”, and the driver is distributed
    as “firebird.driver” package. There are other packages that share the
    same namespace: “firebird.base” and “firebird.butler”. In future I’d
    like introduce “firebird.lib” package for extension libraries (former
    schema, monitor and other extension modules in FDB).
  2. Although the initial driver design was close to FDB, there are
    significant differences and the driver architecture and API will diverge
    further from FDB or KInterbasDB. The sole backward “compatibility” is
    defined as compliance to Python DB API 2.0. So the new driver is not and
    will not be a drop-in replacement for FDB.

Here are some main decisions related to implementation and architecture:

IBX 2.3.4 is now available for download

MWA Software is pleased to announce that release 2.3.4 of IBX for Lazarus is now available for download from

This is the first update in over a year and provides a consolidated set of minor bug fixes. The changelog for IBX itself is available from here and the changelog for the Firebird Pascal API is available from here.

The next release of IBX should be available in the near future and will focus on support for the forthcoming Firebird 4. It will provide support for the new Firebird data types including TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and extended precision numerics (DecFloat).

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