Live about Firebird

For Portuguese speakers:

Estarei em uma live sobre o Firebird no dia 28/abril às 20h. Falarei sobre os principais recursos, comparativos e casos de uso reais, além de um update sobre a atual situação do Firebird 4.
Carlos H. Cantu

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IBProvider News

Hello Everyone,

We are released new updates for our products.

IBProvider v5.16

LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLE DB v1.18

Full news text:

Kind Regards, IBProvider Team.

Real world experience with FbNetExternalEngine performance and code structure

I’m now going through piece of SQL code that contains a lot of stored procedures from over the years and lately also functions (in last year the migration to Firebird 3 really began) and looking into the code to identify functions and procedures to start the rewriting with using FbNetExternalEngine. I’m at the beginning, but I have some interesting piece I’d like to show.

Read more.

Jaybird 4.0.0 released

We are happy to announce the first release of Jaybird 4.

Jaybird 4 is – compared to Jaybird 3 – an incremental release that builds on the foundations of Jaybird 3. The focus of this release has been on further improving JDBC support and adding support for the new data types and features of Firebird 4.

The main new features are:

  • Wire encryption support (backported to Jaybird 3.0.4)
  • Database encryption support (backported to Jaybird 3.0.4)
  • Wire compression support
  • Authentication plugin improvements
  • Firebird 4 data type bind configuration support (since Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2)
  • Firebird 4 DECFLOAT support
  • Firebird 4 extended numeric precision support
  • Firebird 4 time zone support
  • Firebird 4 statement timeout support (since Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2)
  • JDBC RowId support
  • DatabaseMetaData getPseudoColumns implemented
  • DatabaseMetaData getVersionColumns implemented
  • DatabaseMetaData getFunctions implemented (since Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2)
  • DatabaseMetaData getFunctionColumns implemented (since Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2)
  • Improved JDBC function escape support
  • New JDBC protocol prefix jdbc:firebird:
  • URL encoding in query part of JDBC URL (backported to Jaybird 3.0.9)
  • Generated keys support improvements
  • Operation monitoring

See also:

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