Firebird automated testing site

Alexey Kovyazin recently shared some interesting news:

Hi All,

This website is a frontend of FBT + OLTP+automated scripts, supported by Pavel Zotov and some IBSurgeon employees.

It is running FBT tests on Windows server (8Gb, 4cores) for SuperServer and Classic for 3.0 and 4.0, and OLTP-EMUL for SuperServer 3.0/4.0.

Tests are triggered automatically, when new build appear at

As a result of test run, the report is generated.
P – passed (ok)
Failed test due to failed assert is marked as F (failed), pink
Failed due to runtime marked as E (error), yellow.
Failed due to Firebird crash – F red/violet

For each error there is a hint (mouseover) with details of the error.

After click on the cell, the new page will be opened with more details and history of runs.

Detailed links:

  1. Total results for each kind of outcome and server mode
  2. ERRORS MAP: distribution of Firebird errors which occured during runs
  3. FRESH FAILS: tests which failed for LAST execution only
  4. FRESH ERRORS: tests which raised run-time error for LAST execution only
  5. STILL FAILS: tests which fail for at least two last runs
  6. Has fails: tests with at least one fail for previous runs
  7. Has runtime errors: tests with at least one runtime error for previous runs
  8. FRESH PASSED: successful tests with previous outcome = FAIL/ERROR/SKIPPED or absent
  9. All tests: outcomes – all results for last 30 runs
  10. All tests: A. Skipped: tests which was intentionally excluded from execution

Firebird OLTP Emul results
OLTP Emul simulates high load OLTP aplication, and uses many
sophisticated SQLs in multi-thread environment.

Our plan for the future:
1) Publish sources of automated scripts to GitHub (need to clean them a bit)
2) Perform Linux tests and include report results to the frontend
3) improve web representation – https certificate, design, etc
4) Migrate to the new FBT test framework when its adoption will be completed

We invite all interested to join the effort.
Pavel Zotov is a coordinator of the project –

Alexey Kovyazin

Install Firebird-Server 3.0.7 on a QNAP NAS (Updated)

You would like to install Firebird Server 3 on your QNAP NAS?

You can download the necessary QPKG file from the following link. You will also find a short updated description of how to install it (for free use).

The installation only works on a QNAP NAS with Intel processor on 64 bit basis!


We made a update of our qpkg file and “How to install” instructions. Now it is much easier to install and configure the Firebird Server on the NAS.

Firebird 3.0.7 sub-release is available

Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 3.0.7 — the latest point release in the Firebird 3.0 series.

This sub-release offers many bug fixes and also adds a few improvements, please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes.
Binary kits for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Android platforms are immediately available for download.

All users of Firebird v3.0.6 are strongly encouraged to upgrade to v3.0.7 as soon as possible due to several serious bugs found in v3.0.6 and fixed in this point release.

IBProvider v5.21. SQL query parser cache implementation

In this release of IBProvider v5, we have implemented caching the results of our own SQL query parser.

The SQL query parser is needed to define the type of query and its parameter list as well as to divide the script into separate expressions.

The SQL query cache (SQL Cache) supplements the server query cache (Stmt Cache) implemented way back in the earlier versions of IBProvider v3.

Both SQL Cache and Stmt Cache use separate threads to service their own state.

The SQL query cache works for both user queries and service queries of updatable rowset.

Read more at IBProvider Site

Kind Regards, IBProvider Team.

New version of RedExpert 2020.10 has been released

New version of RedExpert 2020.10 has been released.


  • A value of a variable is not lost when editing a procedure.
  • Object names are quoted only when necessary.
  • Removed redundancy in variable declarations.
  • Generation of a random date (There was an error that the minimum is greater than the maximum).
  • Comments to variables are not lost when editing a procedure.
  • Roles which were not created by a user have been moved under the system roles branch.
  • Few first characters in the cell are displayed instead of ‘CLOB DATA’.
  • Removed the unreasonable occurrence of the error about the loss of connection with the server.
  • Fixed generation of table DDL statement.
  • Fixed generation of procedure DDL statement.
  • Fixed generation of trigger DDL statement.
  • Fixed display of table constraints.
  • Fixed display of release notes in the application.


  • Added the ability to use autoddl when executing a script.
  • Added the ability to manage update rule and delete rule for foreign keys.
  • Added the ability to use autocomplete without hotkeys.
  • Added the ability to delete user settings when uninstalling the application.
  • Added the ability to work with collates of character sets in datatypes.

Download and install the new version.

firebird_FDW 1.2.0 released

firebird_fdw, a foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL providing read and write access to Firebird databases, is now available as version 1.2.0.

This release provides following new features:

  • support for PostgreSQL 13
  • support for generated columns (PostgreSQL 12 and later)
  • support for COPY and partition tuple routing (PostgreSQL 11 and later)
  • improved handling of case folding/identifier quoting
  • support for “implicit booleans”
  • pushdown of boolean tests in WHERE clauses (including implicit booleans)
  • following utility functions have been added:
    • firebird_fdw_server_options(servername TEXT): displays the current settings for the named server
    • firebird_version(): shows Firebird version information for each firebird_fdw foreign server in the current database
  • ERROR log messages will show any relevant Firebird query as a CONTEXT message

Following bugs have been fixed:

  • EXPLAIN for a remote modify now shows the Firebird query used
  • UPDATE statements where a BEFORE ROW UPDATE trigger is present now work correctly
  • CREATE SERVER‘s port option is now recognized
  • foreign tables defined as queries can no longer be set as updatable = 'true'

This release requires Firebird API wrapper libfq version 0.4.0 or later (latest version at the time of writing: 0.4.2)

firebird_fdw 1.2.0 is compatible with PostgreSQL versions 9.3 ~ 13. Note that support for PostgreSQL 9.2 has been removed in this release. It supports Firebird 2.5.x and Firebird 3.0.x.

Source code is available from the GitHub repository:

CentOS rpm packages are available via the Fedora Copr build system.

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