e-Week: “Stop forgetting Firebird”

e-Week’s Lisa Vaas considers that “Firebird is fully open source and has been around for over 20 years. It has thousands of installations handling databases in the hundreds of gigabytes down to those with hundreds of records. The Firebird approach pioneered ‘zero administration’ database technology” and she makes a New Year’s resolution: “Stop forgetting Firebird.”

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Hi! This site will provide the Firebird community with news and information about Firebird all over the world!

Some of you who already had the chance to drink a beer with me, probably heard my claims about the lack of an oficial HQ for Firebird related news. Until now, people must dig in several sites to get up to date with the “Firebird World”. Well, I created this site to fill this gap, and I hope to count with the community help to keep the site very dynamic and updated!

Check the “About this site” section on the sidebar and see how you can help to make this site the first stop for Firebird related and updated news!

Carlos H. Cantu

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