Firebird 1.5.3 debian packages are available for testing

I’ve done preparing Firebird 1.5.3 packages.

deb[-src] sid main

All feedback is warmly welcome. If no problems are found, I’ll proceed with
upload to the archive.

Ah, also there you can find packages for flamerobin.

Damyan Ivanov
All you need to do is to add the above repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list
and then apt-get update ; apt-cache search firebird
then install what you need (classic or super server)

OSS databases making inroads – Blog of the day

Here is a good link in businessweek on how OSS databases are horning in on
the database market.

I personally think that the majority of database users can do there work
with either Postgrsql, MySql or others like the Borland interbase now know
as Firebird or even Computer Associates Ingres which was recently made
opensource. Really do most company really need all those extra features or
are they just selling feature like Picture in picture was on your new TV
which you never use now. ;)

Here is the link for you to check out:
Best regards,
Richard Houston

Firebird mentioned in “Semanário Econômico” article

“Semanário Económico” – the best Economic Newsweek in Portugal – gives a special mention to Akropole, a software dedicated to Schools. Akropole runs on Firebird, and it’s clearly mentioned. A full copy of the article (portuguese only) is available here.

PS: On the same article (if you know portuguese and dig it a little), you will notice that the Most Productive ( profits / number of employees) company in Portugal in 2004 works with an ERP system… powered by Firebird! 🙂

IBM Introduces a Free (as in Beer) Version of DB2

This week IBM became the latest proprietary database vendor to add a free offering to their lineup, according to ZDNet:

It would be difficult to estimate the balance between appealing to developers and the influence of Open Source databases such as MySQL, but I would tend to believe that competetion from Postgres, Firebird, MySQL, et al. to be a significant factor in the decision to release free versions of proprietary databases.

Source for this news/blog of the day

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