Firebird Coverity tests results

I’m publishing the results of the coverity tests ran against Firebird 2.0 at 6/March/2006. For those who doesn’t know what is this: some months ago, USA government sponsored some companies to find bugs in popular Open Source projects, in a way to make them more secure. Firebird was in the software list. Now the first results are being published.

First results of Homeland’s sponsored tests

“The most popular open-source software is also the most free of bugs, according to the first results of a U.S. government-sponsored effort to help make such software as secure as possible.” – Read more here.

Firebird is in the list of the Open Source tested software. I plan to put some more information about this here in FirebirdNews as soons as I put my hands on it.

RC1 is coming

It seems that there will be no BETA3 for Firebird 2.0. In a recent chat with Dmitry Yemanov, he told me that he is working in the RC1 release. Very good news, it iseems that FB 2.0 is getting stable enough and we will have a final version in a short time 😉

Smart moves by MySQL AB

Now there seems to be a clear response. MySQL has hired former Firebird developer Jim Starkey and MySQL has a new CTO: Taneli Otala – read Kaj Arnö’s interview with Taneli.

The final statement on this interview declares a clear goal: “Definitely. I want to be part of the team building the world’s best database!”. The times when MySQL targeted itself mainly to drive small and medium web based applications are definitely over!

Read more on db4free blog Podcast – Mentions MySQL’s acquisition of Netfrastructure

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ conference updates, 2005 Members Choice Awards, your feedback on LQ, the LQ Articles and Editorials section, the MySQL acquisition of Netfrastructure, more on the MySQL, Oracle, SAP rumors and the TCO study sponsored by OSDL and Levanta.



ED:Members Choice Awards For Databases (will be published in 6March)

TurboCASH on Lazarus/Firebird “proof of concept”

Developers from turboCASH are asking for Lazarus programers (people that program using Lazarus IDE) to set up a small test application to prove that Lazarus can be IDE of choice to port turboCASH to Linux.

Business factors in OSS database companies

Andrew Hudson has a review of open source database companies over on OSNews. "IBPhoenix employs 6 people, grossed $50k its first year, and has nearly doubled revenue each year since. Beach formed InterBase Software to commercialize the existing and mature code base that Borland had taken open source after several years of closed source development. Borland continues to sell InterBase as a closed source product. InterBase is a relatively small company but it is profitable, it has a solid international presence, and it is growing rapidly."

Read more here

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