New Debian firebird2 packages fix denial of service

Aviram Jenik and Damyan Ivanov discovered a buffer overflow in firebird2, an RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code, that allows remote attackers to crash.

Results from a Performance Test FB15 – FB2b2 – IB751

In the latest Edition of IBExpert, we added some new modules, on is
a database script with a simple sales database, that creates its test
data from a stored procedure.

now i had some time to test it against fb153, fb2b2 (and ib751)

What does it do: first it creates a almost empty database with just
some entries in helptables. after the database is created, you have to
start one procedure and wait for the time it takes.

EMS Data Comparer 2005 for InterBase/Firebird ver. 1.1 released

EMS Data Comparer 2005 for InterBase/Firebird

EMS Software Development company is pleased to announce new version of Data Comparer 2005 – the powerful utility for data comparison and synchronization for Firebird and InterBase databases.

SQL Point/Blog of the Week

For those of you data hounds out there that use open source databases.

May I suggest the excellent Firebird, coupled with IBexpert, as opposed to mySQL.

I have found it a heck of a lot easier to design and implement stored procedures. It is open source and rock solid.
That is J. J. Walter’s opinion about firebird , expressed in his blog.

oracle licensing too expensive for oracle community site

from this thread on the orafaq forum:

“There is no way we would be able to raise the money required to buy a commercial Oracle license.”

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