EMS Data Export 2007 is now available!

EMS Data Export 2007 for InterBase/Firebird

EMS Company is pleased to announce
Data Export 2007 for InterBase/Firebird version 3.0
– the new version of the powerful tool to export your data quickly from Firebird and InterBase databases.

You can download the latest version at: www.sqlmanager.net/products/ibfb/dataexport/download

David Intersimone on Borland spin-out "DevCo"

The leadership team of DevCo includes: Nigel Brown, Michael Swindell, Steve Todd, Alan Bauer, Ben Netick, and David Intersimone. They have 3-year roadmaps for Delphi, JBuilder, and Interbase. The size of DevCo will be ~250-300 at the start, i.e. about 20% of Borland's workforce. "Develop" has $100 mln in sales, about 30% of the total. Sounds like "DevCo" will be quite profitable from the start.

Read more here

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The FBNews list will handle special announcements and news about Firebird related subjects.

You should not expect to get too much email from the list, since it will be used just for really important/interesting announcements.

Why this?

Firebird is an open source project, and anyone can download and use it without giving any personal information. This is great! But there is one major drawback: the project doesn’t have a database of currently users, and so, it is almost impossible to do a quick direct contact with them, to let them know about new versions, patches, conferences dates, etc.

This list will try to fill this gap.

— Carlos H. Cantu

Subscribe now: list.firebirdnews.org

PS: The FBNews list is readonly. You can’t post to it.

DB Comparer 2006 for InterBase/Firebird ver.2.1 released

EMS DB Comparer 2006 for InterBase/Firebird

EMS Company is pleased to announce
DB Comparer 2006 for InterBase/Firebird ver. 2.1
– the powerful tool for comparing Firebird and InterBase databases and discovering differences in their structure.

You can download the latest version at: www.sqlmanager.net/products/ibfb/dbcomparer/download

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