Morfik defends its IP rights against Google

ZDNet writes: "A couple of weeks ago Google released its Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and almost immediately there were rumors of an alliance between Google and Morfik, the Web OS vendor which has a Javascript converter as one of its main products. The reason? GWT bore more than a casual resemblance to Morfik… " By the way, the developer Journal #4 has a write-up about Morfik and its use of Firebird.

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IBExpert new distribution license and educational full version available

A lot of customers asked us regarding a cheaper possibility to
use our ibeblock technology for their own software.

The IBExpert VAR License gives a distribution license for all
modules including the IBExpert IDE. Some smaller software companies
just asked for a way to integrate our technology for a cheaper price.

Because we always respect our customers wishes, we created 2 new

1. IBEScript EXE Distribution License
2. IBEScript DLL Distribution License

The IBEScript Distribution License gives you the unlimited right
to integrate IBEScript.exe or IBEScript.dll in your application.
you can use it for executing ibeblock scripts that connect to
different databases at the same time, integrate any odbc connection
as source or destination, simple data import and export, metadata
comparison and much more.

“DevCo” accepting suggestions

DevCo (temporary name for the new company that will assume Borland IDE and InterBase) opened some emails to accept suggestions and questions from the community (a good step forward).

I sent to them 10 suggestions. The email is reproduced in my personal blog, in this post. I hope someone there accept at last some of the suggestions.

Google licensing Morfik's JST?

Morfik developed the breakthrough web app RAD tool, WebOS. WebOS generates AJAX web applications in an environment that resembles Delphi C/S development. It uses Firebird as its DB server. One important part of its technology is “JST”, a javascript compiler. Google has released a similar technology, perhaps licensed from Morfik.

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