Firebird Questions .NET

I’ve just released a new experimental site:
It is a searchable and browsable archive of firebird-net-provider mailing list.

Noteworthy features:

  • Updated automatically every 60 seconds
  • Search is powered by Lucene.Net and Seekafile Server.
  • You can browse the history by threads.
  • You can skip to next/previous thread by hitting ‘j’/’k’ keys.
  • All e-mails protected.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Firebird: .NET Firebird

No Lobbysts As Such – The Fight Against Sofware Patents in Europe

Florian Müller’s memoir-style book has been released under the Creative Commons license this month.

On 377 pages, Mueller tells the story of the legislative process that ended in July last year with a landslide vote of the European Parliament against a proposal for a software patent directive.
The book is now available on the Internet for download:
[ED: spotted on the planet mysql , is interesting that now Redhat fights against an patent pirrate FireStar for basically “accessing an database” ]

Data Generator 2005 for InterBase/Firebird ver. 2.2 released

EMS Data Generator for InterBase/Firebird

EMS Software Development company is pleased to announce Data Generator 2005 ver.2.2 – new version of the powerful utility for generating test data for Firebird and InterBase databases.

The opportunity to connect through SSH and HTTP tunnels has been added, new data generation options and speed improvements have been made in the latest program version.

You can download the latest version at:

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