Happy Birthday Dmitry!
Today is Dmitry Yemanov birthday 🙂 Let’s give him 10 min. of “no Firebird coding” time, so he can enjoy a piece of the cake!
Firebird related news
Today is Dmitry Yemanov birthday 🙂 Let’s give him 10 min. of “no Firebird coding” time, so he can enjoy a piece of the cake!
As we know, if you want to distribute MySQL with your application for free, you need to release your application code under GPL, and that’s something that many users doesn’t want to do.
Until now, there was always the option of delivering your application alone, and downloading the MySQL binaries from MySQL site – the license allows this. With the old version binaries not being available for download anymore, many current MySQL customers are in serious trouble, if they want to stay legal.
Of course, there is the option of upgrading the applications to work with the most recent MySQL version, but I presume people needs to be prepared for some compatibility problems. I guess many people out there still uses MySQL 3 and 4 with their software, and wasn’t thinking to move to 5.0 very soon.
For those people, my advice is to check the “Get to know Firebird in two minutes” paper and discover how good, powerful and simple Firebird is. If you have to move to a new MySQL version, maybe it would be better to move to Firebird instead!
End of life for mysql 3.x and 4.0.x versions , time to switch to an better
alternative database system : firebird
(we have free source and binaries for all versions)
Here is the full article
This is a great presentation, Jim throws in a lot of database history and insight into working with MySQL
Available here (you need to login to read the full interview).
He talked about Falcon, the new storage engine for MySQL An video will be uploaded soon
I’ve just released a new experimental site: http://www.firebirdquestions.net/.
It is a searchable and browsable archive of firebird-net-provider mailing list.
Noteworthy features:
Comments and suggestions are welcome!
No! No piracy here! Just access the World eBook Fair site from 4/July to 4/Aug and you will be able to download many ebooks (from the 300,000 publications catalog) for free and with no need for registration. You may try search for some words like programming, databases, sql, etc.
“Firebird 2“, my new book devoted only to the new features of Firebird 2.0 will be released at the Firebird Developers Day Conference, in Brazil at July, 29. The book is written in portuguese and will be sold with special price during the conference.
There are two new members of the .NET Provider project:
Jiri Cincura: Will handle the nigthly build process for the .NET
Provider, DDEX, …
Le Roy Arnaud: Will be the mantainer of the ASP.NET Web Providers.