Important news regarding

On Monday 18 September 2006 I will be converting all users over to the new
FBTalk forum (dnfBB), during the process, all registered users will receive
a new email with a link for them to click to activate their new account.

1st Russian Firebird Conference

Dear Friends,

IBase, Inc is glad to announce The 1st Russian Firebird Conference. It will take place in Moscow, Russia, October 14, 2006.
Firebird Core developers, vendors of many related products and well-known enthusiasts will be there to present the most recent news and plans regarding Firebird 2, new versions of developers products and so on.

Check-in to conference (in Russian):

If you have any questions regarding participation or sponsorship please feel free to email

With best regards,
Alexey Kovyazin

Firebird 2.0 on-line manual

I’ve placed the first book of a Firebird 2.0 manual on-line:

This book is about the stored procedure and trigger language “PSQL” and
consists of about 100 web pages. I would expect that all 8 planned
books will be online before the end of the year.

The on-line manual is user editable, in the sense that users can post
extra information, examples and corrections — in the style of the on-
line PHP manual.

All feedback is welcome.



Firebird and Visual Studio .NET 2005 Data Designer Access (DDEX)

There is a new chapter in the Firebird Tutorial for .NET: Firebird Data Access Designer (DDEX) installation.

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