Firebird and Alfresco CMS

Posted by: “maximshiryaev”
Date: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:24 am (PDT)


Some time ago I’ve been evaluating Alfresco – an opensource CMS. Its stack is this: MySQL -> Hibernate -> SpringFramework -> tomcat -> Web interface.

Since all other systems in our company use Firebird as a database back-end I’ve decided to move Alfresco to Firebird.

Here are the steps:

Pictorial: Configuring’s PostgreSQL Server – Firebird appliance mention

The appliance is quite small a few Megs , i will ask how they
managed to do it soo small πŸ™‚

I like their ideea of pictorial , maybe we should do an firebird
appliance screencast (ubuntu/mandriva)

Here is the article in question

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