firebird – it inserts 610.000 records/minute in one test
Here is the test configuration and details (database structure)
Firebird related news
Here is the test configuration and details (database structure)
This week only, because of the 6-year celebration of our LogManager
series, there’s a 75% discount on ALL LogManager related products.
The LogManager series is a full-featured auditing suite for several
database engines, including support for InterBase, Firebird,
Advantage Database Server, Microsoft SQL Server and NexusDB.
Join the party and feel free to spread this news!
Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series – Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
(Disclaimer: I am a PostgreSQL fan, this is my subjective personal experience)
Had a interesting experience with 3 of these DBMS’es.Needed to write an application that opperates on 7000000 row table.
ED:Here are the “results”
SAM Broadcaster can support 4 different databases. The databases are used to store song information and provide website interaction. If you have no database knowledge we recommend you try the FireBird database since it is very easy to install and use. [ED, that is my qoute of the day for firebird ;)]
This week we’ve taken a break from the political.
So for the LA Update, we have a word with Arjen Lentz about some of the new features in MySQL and the “in development” Falcon Engine.
Ok, I agree it is not too much useful, but it is fun:
It was submited on the fyracle forum
Oracle Juices Up Berkeley DB – Oracle spruced up one of its recently acquired embeddable databases, Berkeley DB, releasing on Sept. 27 Version 4.5 with multi-version concurrency control and more.
This is old news for Firebird/InterBase users. MGA (or Versioning) architecture, used in FB/IB, was born with Snapshot isolation for transactions.
Marina won the contest and she is now in Bali .There are many other journal/blog entries on the site (nice pictures too)
ps: we hope we contributed to her winning . Who wants to go next ? 😉
Posted by: “maximshiryaev”
Date: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:24 am (PDT)
Some time ago I’ve been evaluating Alfresco – an opensource CMS. Its stack is this: MySQL -> Hibernate -> SpringFramework -> tomcat -> Web interface.
Since all other systems in our company use Firebird as a database back-end I’ve decided to move Alfresco to Firebird.
Here are the steps: