Free IBExpert PWX InterBase/Firebird Password Change Tool

Using this tool, any user can change his own password as needed.
You just have to enter the servername, the username, the old
password and twice the new password. It can be freely distributed
anywhere. To get a version without the IBExpert logo and info
text, please contact

Download: please register with complete address at

IBExpert Customer Version will include this tool starting next
Free IBExpert PWX InterBase/Firebird Password Change Tool

Merry Christmas wishes every Firebird lover a Merry Christmas! Site will be online 24×7, but you can notice some delayed posts, since some authors should be out for Christmas vacations, etc 😉

A special thanks goes for Marius Popa for his help posting news in the site!

Attention FirebirdNews authors

For those who are using Firefox, there is an interesting plugin that may help formatting your posts to FirebirdNews site using a “rich editor” direct in your browser. Take a look at the Performancing plugin.

You can write and post to FirebirdNews direct from the plugin.

A problem that I noticed is that you can’t choose in what category the post should be included 🙁

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