firebird 2.0 debian packages available for testing

Debian users are encouraged to help proof-testing the newly packaged firebird 2.0.

Please help improving the packages by reporting bugs to and/or Jabber ID

The Great 2006 Software Review -blog of the day

[ED: he added Firebird 2.0 RC3 in his list of great software releases for the previous year but he forgot that firebird final was released in November]

2006 was a great year for software. I thought I would make my first post of the new year as a review of the software that was released last year that caught my interest. This is software that I think will have an impact on the world (some big, some small). It is not necessarily software that I use on a regular basis (or at all :).

Firebird docs – how can you help ?

Rodney Gedda wrote on documentation list

I caught up with Helen this week and she mentioned help was needed
with Firebird documentation. Well, here I am. Let me know if there
is anything I can help out with.

and Paul gave him this answer:

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