PHP Database abstraction mailing list
There’s a new mailing list to discuss PHP DBAL related issues.
Read the details in this blog entry
Firebird related news
There’s a new mailing list to discuss PHP DBAL related issues.
Read the details in this blog entry
martijn wrote in his blog about DatabaseDevelopmentForum.Com :
Quite some time ago, Arno Brinkman (from the Firebird Database Project and I launched a forum website where you can ask questions about different database systems.
[ED: the other Firebird forums that you can visit are and devshed ]
I wonder if anyone considered joining Firebird to Google’s Summer of
Code project?
Ok, I know this is a totally sucky announcement not even worthy of
Firebird, but time keeps going by. I have yet to be able to get together
the info for a better one. So here is a very crude announcement.
David I just posted in his blog that the new Delphi for PHP supports Firebird, along with many other databases.
No mention of firebird but an interesting news for php/delphi developers
Please support Firebird database with the DBExpress driver. A huge percent of the Delphi community are Firebird users and are claiming for this.
Or at least help the Firebird team to implement this support in DBX4.
Because I’m not able to reply to all the questions about Firebird and .NET I’m getting, I’ve set up a new place to ask these questions: I’ll try to answer the questions if I know the answer. You might also get an answer from someone else if I’m too busy ;-).
Posted by Dan at
CodeGear announced two new Delphi products: Delphi 2007 for Win32, to generate Win32 native applications for Windows 2000,XP and Vista, and Delphi for PHP, a new product to develop PHP applications. Both products cames with native InterBase drivers, so probably it can be used with Firebird too, and of course there are also tons of third party native components for Firebird access. More information in the CodeGear site.
SQLObject 0.8.0 was released 12 Feb 2007.
SQLObject is a popular python ORM for providing an object interface to your database, with tables as classes, rows as instances, and columns as attributes.
SQLObject includes a Python-object-based query language that makes SQL more abstract, and provides substantial database independence for applications.