OpenDBX 1.3.5 released

Finally, this development release contains a prototype of an ODBC backend for the OpenDBX database access library. It’s not fully functional yet and misses the code for data retrieval but data definition and manipulation statements work. Also, the code does compile cleanly if the latest GCC compiler suite is used.

Delphi 2008 survey

CodeGear is running an on-line survey about what customers would like to see in Delphi 2008. One of the questions: “Which databases do you require Delphi connectivity with?”

Firebird is among the choices so, it’s time to  show to CodeGear the real need for official drivers supporting Firebird in Delphi. Vote now!

Firebird embedded example for delphi is now ported to lazarus

I modified fb_embedded2.pas originally written for Delphi by Fikret Hasovic. Now it works with Lazarus!

great news for firebird .net provider

Jiri wrote on the mailing list

I have a great news for you. 🙂 I’ve got offer from Paul Beach to
continue with developement of NETProvider as lead and maintaining it
etc. I’ve accepted and I’ve got some privileges to do the “maintaining
work”. So the project isn’t dead. I hope we’ll kick-up the FB & .NET.

Sun buys MySQL = opportunity to Firebird

Marco Cantu posted in his blog some comments about the recent acquisition of MySQL by Sun. Among his considerations, Marco see this as a good opportunity to Firebird, a trully OpenSource project (and product):

I think this is another great opportunity for a truly open source and fully independent database like FireBird (and to a much lesser extend for InterBase)

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