Sun buys MySQL = opportunity to Firebird

Marco Cantu posted in his blog some comments about the recent acquisition of MySQL by Sun. Among his considerations, Marco see this as a good opportunity to Firebird, a trully OpenSource project (and product):

I think this is another great opportunity for a truly open source and fully independent database like FireBird (and to a much lesser extend for InterBase)

FireBase site moved to a new server

O servidor onde o site da FireBase estava hospedado mudou, e com isso o IP também foi alterado. Quem estiver com dificuldades para acessar o site, favor atualizar o cache de DNS.

In English:

FireBase, major Firebird information portal in Brazil, has been moved to a new server. Please refresh all the DNS cache to be able to access the site.

Evaluating open-source DBs -Firebird Enterprise ready ?

The thread is on and the question is about open source databases  :

Quick issue, everyone.  My company currently uses SQL Server, but we’re going to look at open-source databases because of MS’s crooked licensing rules (to be honest, they only have one SQL license, and are running it on a two-processor machine).  They don’t want to shell out the extra $6,000 for another one, and I don’t blame them.

Origin of the firebird/interbase port 3050

Here is the question on Firebird-Support group

> How did port 3050 get selected as the “gds_db” service port. Was it
> chosen arbitrarily or is there some interesting story behind it? Maybe
> Jim Starkey’s phone number in Groton? 🙂

No story there at all. It was just a number that nobody else seemed
to be using at the time.
And don’t ask me to remember a 25 year old
phone number … I barely remember my current number!



how hard the Core Developers are working

i would like to show you how hard the Core Developers are working (as if you don’t know that already …).

A little graph for you ….

or if you want to full 263 Character URL

1 164 165 166 167 168 202