PC factory test tool runs Linux/PHP and firebird
The appliance is based on an unspecified hardware platform from MBX running Gentoo Linux, the Apache web server, PHP scripting, and the open source Firebird SQL database.
Firebird related news
The appliance is based on an unspecified hardware platform from MBX running Gentoo Linux, the Apache web server, PHP scripting, and the open source Firebird SQL database.
In some tasks we need to know how many users are connected to the database. And even which users are connected… There is an interesting piece of code with which you may achieve this this. It is an additional source file written for ZeosDBO 6.1.3 library. It only works with Firebird 1.5. But it can be easy modified for another Firebird/Interbase server.
You can read this thread about this release where Pavel Cisar explains his role for kinterbase project
The Evolution Payroll service-bureau system from iSystems, LLC employs a three-tiered architecture, with the backend being one or more Linux servers running the Firebird SQL database. Evolution is able to split the load across multiple DB servers on a per-client basis. As Service Bureaus grow, it’s common to add new DB servers to the system, and this Evo Tip covers the steps required to take a fresh Fedora Core system and prepare it for Evolution.
I have created the ppa packages using the version 2.0 pre from cvs and it can be installed by an simple
$apt-get install ibwebadmin or with synaptic(gdebi)
…we had an email problem due to an upgrade of the mail app in the server, that was avoiding us to receive any email sent to the site. The problem was detected recently so, if you tried to contact us in the past weeks/months, please send again your email since we probably missed it. Sorry for any inconvenience.
[Yet another guide for installing firebird2.0.x on ubuntu] This is my attempt at installing Firebird 2.0 on Ubuntu 7.10.
Features like automaticaly speech to text translation, SMP support up to 1,500 CPUs, built-in OCR UDF’s, embedded browser, integrated email server, IPv12 support, GPS-ready, and all new MSDOS 6 support are among the new things to be released in FB 2.666.
A Release Candidate version is expected in 1 week.
The Core developers team also have grown a lot with the hire of 35 new developers to work full time for Firebird.The Firebird Project is having some problems coordinating such a large team, but they are sure that when the beer finish everything will be up and running.
“We are so excited about this great news, that we are thinking about changing the name to “The Project”, just after the acquisition of Oracle (target to the last quarter of 2008).”
Congratulations, Firebird Team !
here is a new portal for Turkish language speakers
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