Category: General news
Firebird related news
Firebird Developer Progress Reports – updated on June
You can read the progress reports for this year on various engine development areas
Firebird 2.1.1 RC in prerelease area – it will be announced soon
Firebird 2.1.1 can be downloaded from prerelease area , I saw versions for linux/windows 32/64
FBNews offline
The data center where the site is hosted suffered an explosion in the power room, and all the sites hosted there were offline for the whole Sunday and first hours of Monday. More information here. No information/data was lost.
Dot Net Performance of Firebird 2.1
Comparing the performance of several operations in FB2.1, OraXE and SQLServerXE using the vendor specific .NET data access drivers, I discovered Firebird was about 3 times faster than the others which were both nearly the same speed.
Firebird 2.1 in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
Firebird 2.1 will be included by default in the next Ubuntu release named Intrepid Ibex that will be released in 30 October.
Another Interbase Security Issue found first in Firebird
The other day another security issue (this sort of thing happens to the best of them) in Interbase that was fixed in January in Firebird already.
More rants on this page
Firebird 2.0.4 is now in Mandriva
Here is th url , also there are drivers for php and flamerobin package is included there
Firebird 2.1 package for Slackware Linux
Here is the Firebird 2.1 package for Slackware Linux
firebird suse maintainer wanted
We have a firebird (the opensource SQL database) package in the
server:database buildservice project
Unfortunately, this package isn’t maintained since some time, which is a
pity, because the server:database repository is offered as a community
repository in YaST and is advertised as the “Latest updates for database
software including Firebird and MySQL”.