The Firebird wine

Firebird Wine

Looks like “Firebirdians” already have an official wine 😉 Firebird Legend, from Moldova, proved to be a really good wine, at last for the taste of some Firebird users (including myself).

Afterall, with this name, it could not be different! 🙂

Progress on kinterbasdb 3.3 – xmas present

The initial version of kinterbasdb v3.3 was committed to subversion
. It’s basically v3.3 by David Rushby + fixes to v3.2 line we
made to make it work with FB 2.1. Source tarball and windows binaries
for fb 2.x & python 2.5/2.6 for testing should be available soon. Now
I’m working on documentation as this version introduces some important
new functionality (above all support for multiple transactions per
connection). I’ll also check the transliteration issue. If everything
would go smoothly, you can expect the final release before Christmas 😉

best regards
Pavel Cisar

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