Top 4 Free Embedded Databases

I need an embedded database for my next project. During the last few days I’ve done a lot of virtual leg-work researching and comparing the various alternatives, trawling through documentation and forums. The results are below. Hopefully, if you’re ever in the same situation, this list will make your life a bit easier.

New IBProvider allows comprehensive work in Unicode applications, enhanced work with NONE encoding, and supports charset markers.

New IBProvider v. RC3

  • All the detected problems that prevented comprehensive work with Firebird and Interbase from UNICODE applications have been eliminated.
  • Supports charset markers in SQL queries.
  • Supports exclusions processing when working with Interbase and Firebird via ADODB.
  • Supports working with database object names containing national symbols for connections with NONE charset.
  • Enhanced work with metadata schemes when working with database via NONE charset.
  • Advanced testing allowed detection and elimination of errors.
  • ISO8859_15 charset support.

Please read details on the Firebird driver homepage.

Two simple Python scripts showing how to connect to Firebird using wxPython.

Below are two simple Python scripts (not involving dabo) just showing how to connect to Firebird and do a simple task using wxPython.

(1) The first script lets the user go into the File menu and select a Firebird database, and then it displays (do-nothing) buttons in a wxPython Sizer object down the left side of the window, one for each table (and view) in the database.

(2) The second script is hard-coded to open a particular Firebird database and display a particular table in a grid. (Before running, you will need to go into this script and change the hard-coded sections so they are appropriate for your system. You’ll need to change the host and database parameters and the SQL statement – and maybe also the user and password parameters. Look for the lines preceded by a comment starting with ###.)

German translation of Firebird security article

There’s an article on the Firebird Documentation web-page about Firebird File and Metadata Security. Since this is an interesting topic to our customers, I took the time to translate it to German.

The article describes the fundamental problems in securing network connections. One of the biggest problem is key management. Since the Firebird server is usually controlled by and installed at the client’s site, you don’t have any control over it. So, theoretically, someone could always build his own Firebird server to spy on the password. But that’s only one of the problems discussed.

Many thanks to Geoff Worboys, the author of the original article, and Paul Vinkenoog for publishing it on the official web-site. Update January Edition…

.. mentions Firebird as one of the Top 25 Projects of the Month Update is a monthly electronic newspaper from sourceforge. It keeps you update of the changes inside sourceforge, and many other interesting information. It always ends with a list of 25 projects that are “under radar”.

This month, Firebird is on this top 25 list, next to other well know open source projects, such as Azureus, phpMyAdmin, 7-Zip, Webmin.

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