Firebird course in Czech

Based on numerous inquiries and wishes of our readers (, we decided to organize a one day dedicated to the Firebird database platform, which spells out why the Firebird is a good alternative for the development of new database applications.

One-day course about Firebird led by leading Czech expert (Jiri Cinkura) on this issue introduces the basic database features Firebird so that each of the participants recognized the advantages and disadvantages of this platform for developing real applications and testimonials.

AnySQL Maestro 9.8 released

AnySQL Maestro SQL Maestro Group announces the release of AnySQL Maestro 9.8, a powerful tool to manage any database engine accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider (Access, SQL Server, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc). Key features include graphical database designer, visual query builder, data export and import, BLOB Viewer/Editor, and a lot of other things.

    AnySQL Maestro has been successfully tested with Firebird ODBC drivers 1.xx and 2.0 RC1 and all the latest Firebird server versions up to 2.5 Beta 2.

    New IBProvider with queries pool and enhanced working with Delphi.

    Performance optimization for repeated queries
    New IBProvider v3 has the pool of SQL-queries that stores prepared and created commands and allows substantial time saving with a large number of repeated queries for Firebird.

    Support of tables list getting in Delphi in Client Cursor Engine mode
    Tables list getting has been brought into compliance with the requirements of dbGo components in Client Cursor Engine mode.

    Attention! Special offer!
    20 % discount for any IBProvider license is valid for 4 days only.

    Please read details here: query pooling in Firebird

    Linux/s390x support for Firebird 2.1.2

    Dan Horák wrote on firebird devel list:
    I am a Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux developer and we are now
    porting whole Fedora package collection to the s390x (IBM System z a.k.a
    mainframe) architecture. The official sources for Firebird (in version
    2.1.2) didn’t support this architecture, so I have prepared a patch that
    adds this support. Please let me know what else should I do to get the
    support accepted into the official source tree.

    the patch was uploaded to

    successfully built Fedora-11 package is at

    A new release of the Firebird Eclipse plugin is available

    A new release of the Firebird Eclipse plugin is available on


    Bugfix and ‘less-is-more’ release

    * Code cleanup
    * More delegation to standard DTP implementation
    * Sourcecode added to distribution

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