#Firebird2.1 package is updated in #Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat
The next release of Ubuntu will have an updated package for firebird with one hard to detect bug fixed (the Classic install one)
Firebird related news
The next release of Ubuntu will have an updated package for firebird with one hard to detect bug fixed (the Classic install one)
Thanks to the Firebird Romanian Community (Doru, Florin …)
You can download it from the left list of links from the #mindthebird campaign
Saw it on Adriano’s tweet , and here is the link
Hello All,
Good news for all MindTheBird participants – Nucleon Software http://www.nucleonsoftware.com offers free license of there “Database Master” software for all participants of MindTheBird.
If you would like to get such license, please send to free at mindthebird.com email with the following information: “FirstName”, “LastName”, E-Mail, optionally Company name, and get free license of DatabaseMaster (they will be sent in 2-3 work days).
We encourage all tools vendor to run similar programs for MindTheBird participants, and, of course, we ask everyone to join MindTheBird! to support Firebird and to get benefits and prizes.
To join MindTheBird! you just need to put one of MindTheBird! banners or presentations (http://www.mindthebird.com/downloadmtb.html) to your web-site or blog, link it to www.mindthebird.com or to www.firebirdsql.org and send us link to this page for verification.
Best regards,
MindTheBird Team
David Elias created new branch for Django 1.2 and Maximiliano Robaina tested it , there is still work left to do but the results are good
dbExpress Driver for Firebird version 26 has released. Here are the
4.1.2007.26 / 4.1.2009.26 / 4.1.2010.26 Release on 23 Jun 2010
1. Fixed retrieve SQL View names if TSQLConnection.TableScope include tsView when invoke TSQLConnection.GetTableNames
Best Regards,
Chau, Chee-Yang
dbExpress Driver for Firebird version 24 has released. Here are the
4.1.2007.25 / 4.1.2009.25 / 4.1.2010.25 Release on 16 Jun 2010
1. Add data type coercion for bytes array to CHAR and VARCHAR
Best Regards,
Chau, Chee-Yang
Some fixes for known problems will be commited next week. After that it will be submitted to QA tests, so probably we will have RC3 released at end of June.
.NET provider for Firebird now fully supports all the new features in Entity Framework 4.