BlackFish is Dead , Firebird as Embedded Database replacement

Marco Canto noticed that

BlackFish SQL, the .NET database installed with recent versions of Delphi, is not part of Delphi XE… and it seems Embarcadero pulled the plug on it.

Would Firebird fit the bill ? , I think it would but tell us your thoughts (pro/cons) :

I really think Delphi has lacked a local and simple option, and suggesting people to buy the cheap “Interbase To Go” or pick the free Firebird Embedded still doesn’t address the original concern. With Delphi core dataset classes and data-ware controls still bound to a navigational model, a navigational database can really make simple applications fast to write and fast to execute.

Is it possible to write a similar Firebird database driver?

Today we are (IBProvider team) overwhelmingly happy because we have finally released the final build of the 3rd version of IBProvider.

Is it possible to write a similar database driver?

Of course, you can write it! All you need is a strong desire and 7 years of free time. Exactly the same time it took us to write the third version of IBProvider.

Please read about development results here and download new Firebird driver here:
Firebird driver developers results

Regards, IBProvider Team.

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