Know how to add execution of SQL-scripts in your programs!

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Do you want to enable execution of SQL scripts in your programs and spend less time for exhausting coding?

Do you want to create a table, a generator and a trigger, to add data to the table, to make data selection and then to delete all this in one command? For example:

set autoddl on;
set transaction;
create generator GEN_ID_TEST_TABLE;
create trigger BI_TEST_TABLE for TEST_TABLE
 before insert
insert into TEST_TABLE (text) values('record 1');
insert into TEST_TABLE (text) values('record 2');
set term !!;
select * from TEST_TABLE!!
set terminator ;!!
set autoddl off;
drop table TEST_TABLE;
drop generator GEN_ID_TEST_TABLE;

Now it is possible with new IBProvider! IBProvider v. allows to run a command with several SQL queries (SQL scripts).

Read more right now:
Know how to add execution of SQL-scripts for Firebird and Interbase in your programs!

Top 10 Firebird wishlist

Some people doesn’t know, but anyone registered in the Firebird Tracker (registration is open, quick and free) can ask for improvements, report bugs, or vote in some existing tickets to raise their “priority”.

It is true that a high ranked ticket may never be implemented/solved. It is also true that the FB developers are free to implement what they want, without following any specific order or wishes. In fact, a ticket can be left untouched for a long time, if none of the developers feel inclined to work on that issue. But it is also true that having the users community voting for items, may sign to the Core Team developers with a direction to follow.

Here is a list of the top 10 ranked tickets at the moment:

Key Summary Assignee
CORE-2530 Improve even more the FB network protocol Unassigned
CORE-775 True SMP support for SuperServer Dmitry Yemanov
CORE-726 True Boolean Datatype Unassigned
CORE-720 Local temporary tables Vlad Khorsun
CORE-776 Database Links Vlad Khorsun
CORE-657 Database encryption Vlad Khorsun
CORE-733 Compress Data over the Network Unassigned
CORE-749 Object names of at least 64bytes Dmitry Yemanov
CORE-808 UNION, INTERSECT and MINUS support Unassigned
CORE-694 Support timezones with timestamp Unassigned

Note that the top 10 issues are not bugs (the FB Core Team is a very efficient bug killer 😉 ), but enhancements/improvements to Firebird.

It seems that 775 and 657 are expected to be solved in Firebird 3. Core 773 and 2530 are related to the Firebird wire protocol.

Sadly, the top voted item (2530) is still unassigned. If you ever tried to use Firebird over the Internet and felt it is too slow, this is the issue you need to vote 😉 This improvement requires a new wire protocol, and changes to the API that would break the currently third-party access components. So, not easy task, but I hope to see it implemented in the future.

Delta Quadrant: Horizons

From Sergey Mereutsa (posted to fb-devel):

Dear friends!

While it is an offtopic here, but it may be interesting for all, who is in any form involved in Firebird development.

Several years ago, we announced a web-based game, written in Firebird SQL. It was DQ:Empires and a lot of peoples around the world played this game.

Now, I`m pleased to announce next game, in the same game universe, but slightly other – Delta Quadrant: Horizons, a web-based space 4X strategy.

I will not write much details here about the game (someone compared it with online version of Masters of Orion game, but it is not MOO2 clone) – you can read more on game`s site, .

Some technical details:

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