#ilovefs , #ilovefirebird:I Love Free Software Campaign , I love Firebird

Today is the day when you can share your love towards Firebird and the Free Software world (libreoffice , qt , debian)
There are lots of ways to declare one’s love… Here are some ideas on how you can go public and proclaim your love to Free Software/Firebird

  • Send active Free Software supporters a message thanking them for their work
  • Microblog about how you love Free Software, and tag those messages with #ilovefs/#ilovefirebird.
  • Hug a developer (ask permission first!)
  • Buy your favourite developer a drink. Or buy someone else a drink and while savouring it, tell him/her about your favorite Free Software application!

ps whey you search for i love firebird i have this example of trim function 🙂

select trim (‘la’ from ‘lalala I love Firebird’) from rdb$database
— returns ‘ I love Firebird’

Average of Firebird users DB sizes

In a recent survey for the next Firebird Developers Day in Brazil, one of the questions was about the average size of the participants (and/or their customers) databases. A total of 344 people answered, and the result can be seen below:

In general, your (or your customer’s) database has…

Percent Count Answers
20.3% 70/344 up to 500MB
31.1% 107/344 up to 2GB
20.9% 72/344 up to 5GB
17.2% 59/344 up to 10GB
10.5% 36/344 more than 10GB
100.0% 344/344 Summary

PS: Note that this survey was directed only to people who intends to participate in the next Brazilian FDD edition.

Firebird Data Wizard 11.1 released

Firebird Data Wizard SQL Maestro Group announces the release of Firebird Data Wizard 11.1, a powerful Windows GUI utility for Firebird data management.

Firebird Data Wizard provides you with a number of easy-to-use wizards to convert any ADO-compatible database to the Firebird database, import data into
Firebird tables, export data from tables, views and queries to most popular file formats as well as generate data-driven ASP.NET pages for your Firebird database.

New version provides data import from any database accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider, the insert-or-update data import mode, advanced Data Pump abilities, and some other new features.

There are also other useful things as well as versions for other DBMS (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL, etc). Read full press release.

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