Send your testimonial!

Hello All,

There is “Testimonials” section at the test version of new FirebirdSQL site

Please devote 5 minutes of your time and write testimonial  – i.e., your
impression about Firebird. Nothing special, just several words about Firebird experience or, even  simpler – short description and link to the enterprise which uses Firebird.

Testimonials are important to demonstrate number of Firebird users and their satisfaction.

After new web-site launch all valid testimonials from the test site will
be moved to production version.

Alexey Kovyazin

Firebird used at Benguet State University

Inline with our department’s ideologies to use open source systems, I am now using Lazarus as my front end and Firebird as my backend. It’s almost 2 year that i’ve been using firebird (started by ver 2.1.2) and i really find it a great database. I just started with Lazarus and so far, im already getting the hang of it!

Read more on the blog

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