PowerConsole 0.9.2 realeased and tested with new FDB python driver

Pavel Cisar   wrote on google plus about the new PowerConsole:
It was tested with new FDB driver (see http://ibphoenix.cz/pwc/ for details),
i.e. I’ve just imported fdb
as kdb and skipped the kinterbasdb initialization. Surprise, surprise,
it works! All issues I was able to find so far were few small bugs in
pwcfb module itself 🙂

So, I released an update to pwcfb that should fix all issues and sets the dependency to FDB.

To install it simply use `easy_install pwcfb` and it should bootstrap it with all necessary dependencies.

Extensive package that enables PowerConsole to work with Firebird databases.

Initial release (0.7.0) of new Python driver for Firebird – FDB is ready for testing

As promised, FDB initial release (0.7.0) is out: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/fdb/0.7.0

It’s almost feature-complete (ready for 95% of users), but it could be
still buggy (it’s beta!), and the code wasn’t optimized for size and
speed. In all other ways it’s ready for wide testing.

What’s missing:

– Distributed transactions
– ARRAY support
– EVENTs support
– Stream BLOBs
– TRACE service
– Documentation (but you can use KInterbasDB one as FDB is as close to
it as possible).
– Python 3.x support (haven’t had time to test it, but it shouldn’t be
hard to make it work there)

What’s new since my last post here:

– Support for stored procedures (proper one according to Python DB API,
behaviour is the same as in KInterbasDB)
– Prepared Statements. It works in exactly the same way as in
KInterbasDB, i.e. you can use explicit PS via cursor.prep(), or use the
internal PS cached for all statements executed via cursor.execute() – it
will detect previously executed command and re-use prepared statement
(cached per cursor instance!).
– Fully implemented cursor.description attribute, i.e. including
precision for DECIMAL/NUMERIC fields. Should now return the same results
as KInterbasDB.
– trans_info/transaction_info and db_info/database_info calls like in
– Better object dependency and lifetime management, so Python memory GC
should be much happier now. I modelled it as much as KDB does it as

Source code is also in Firebird Project’s Subversion repository:

(KInterbasDB source moved)

Sorry for GIT/Mercurial etc. fans, but Firebird project uses only SVN
for all its code (except old obsolete ones that are still in CVS) and it
would be pointless to create another type of repository for such a small
project. However, you’re free to set up mirrors or local repositories on
GIT or whatever 🙂

Merry Christmas to all
Pavel Cisar

[ED: if you want to know how easy is to use , or how compatible it is related to kinterbasdb , read this post ]

Gifts for new members of Firebird Foundation

икони цениSpecial gifts for the new members of Firebird Foundation till December 31, 2011:

– 3 *FREE* FB TraceManager Enterprise licenses (incl. 1 year subscription) for the next 3 members who either renew a VOTING membership or join as a VOTING member

– 3 *FREE* FB TraceManager Standard licenses (incl. 1 year subscription) for the next 3 members who either renew an ASSOCIATE membership or join as an ASSOCIATE member

– 3 *FREE* FBDataGuard licenses for the next 3 members who either renew a VOTING membership or join as a VOTING member

– 3 *FREE* FBScanner licenses for the next 3 members who either renew a VOTING membership or join as a VOTING member

(by “Renew membership” we mean memberships which were excluded from the list there http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/members/)

Hurry up, only 9 gifts for new VOTING members and 3 for new ASSOCIATE members of Firebird Foundation!
Join Firebird Foundation Now!

Using the Firebird 3.0 API with Delphi

Pierre Yager announced on firebird-devel new version of UIB with Firebird 3.0 API support:

Thanks to Vlad, we achieved the translation of the FB3 OO API in UIB
Components for Delphi.

You can checkout the code from SourceForge repository :


Now, we only miss hints to deal with FbMessage, it seems that the
examples (fbstuff on github) made by Adriano heavily relies on BOOST
and as we don’t have such possibilities with Delphi we must understand
what is exactly an FbMessage and see what we can do.

Thanks for your help, regards,

Faghmie Davids contributed his patches to firebird provider for gnome db

Here is my patch file so far for the firebird provider.[Ed:For gnome db]

It only run select statements. Your feedback and guidance will be appreciated.

There is still quite a bit missing, but at least I can now select data from a firebird database . Please note that it does not do the input,parameters for statements…..mainly cause I never use it

If there is some interest I’ll work some more on it

Hierarchical database structures and Firebird PSQL

The idea of storing a hierarchical data in a relational database is very simple, but effective work with such a data requires some knowledge of server-side programming using procedural SQL (PSQL). So the hierarchical data structures are a good chance to get acquainted with PSQL. For demonstration purposes I created a simple database with single table TCLASS containing Delphi class hierarchy
The rest of the article is here

Future for Python driver merging the pure driver with the ctypes interface to Firebird.

Pavel Cisar wrote on firebird python list :
Those who attended my “Python drivers” session at conference in
Luxembourg already know that last two months I have worked on another
Python driver for Firebird (codename fdb). It was just an experiment how
far I could go in short time with another approach to implementation,
not real attempt to replace both existing drivers (KInterbasDB and
firebirdsql). However, it went so well, that we have a real chance to
get out a truly universal pure Python driver for Firebird next year.
Here are details…

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