Protocol optimization (status update)

I got the following status update from Dmitry Yemanov, regarding the Firebird’s protocol enhancement task that is being sponsored by FDD:

I’m working on it from time to time. One of the TODO items is completed,
one more improvement came to mind and now it’s being tested. So it’s
surely will be available in FB3, at some point after Alpha 1 but before
Beta 1.

I think this is good news!

CopyCat replication engine v. 3.04.0

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Microtec Communications is pleased to announce a new release of CopyCat,
version 3.04.0
! You will find the full list of changes at the end of
this email. This release also includes the changes from version 3.03.0,
which had not been made publicly available till now.

CopyCat is a Delphi / C++Builder component set encapsulating a database
replication engine
for Interbase, Firebird, MS SQL Server, MySQL and
SQLite. Using CopyCat, you can replicate heterogenously between all the
above database types, over various transport systems (direct DB
connection, XMLRPC, or RTC), on various platforms : Delphi/MS Windows
for the client side, server side implemented in Delphi, in Java, in PHP
(only for MySQL) and in Objective-C on iOS (only for SQLite).

CopyCat is a robust replication engine that has been in production use
since 2004. Go to our site at to find out more!

Below is the list of changes in the new release.

Best regards,
Jonathan Neve
Microtec Communications –
CopyCat / CopyTiger replication engine –

FBLib (Firebird Pascal Library) repository has moved to Github

For years the FBLib (Firebird database library for Free Pascal, Delphi and Kylix) has lived in the 3rdParty directory tree of tiOPF. We are cleaning up the tiOPF repository, and so I have now moved the FBLib project out to Github, into its own repository. The repository history is intact. I still need to add a few more patches I have locally, and some Lazarus based support apps.

All future development of FBLib will now happen on Github.

To get a copy of the code:

git clone git://

News via lazarus forum

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.8.

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.8.

This is a bug fix release, built with the current fpc 2.6.2. The
previous release 1.0.6 was built with 2.6.0.

Here is the list of changes for Lazarus and Free Pascal:

The release is available for download at SourceForge:

Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the “Lazarus 1.0.8” directory.

Minimum requirements:
Windows:       98, 2k, XP, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit
FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit
Mac OS X:      10.5, LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit

ANN: FB TraceManager V3.0 has been released!

FBTM_V3_48x48 Upscene Productions is excited to officially release a new major version of FB TraceManager: FB TraceManager V3.0 is available!

New on-the-fly aggregated analysis capabilities on trace events (so-called “Hotspots”), improved throughput and stability, trace configuration templates and more is included in V3.

For more information, check out the news item here:

A high-level overview on the new features is available here:

More information on the product is available in the FB TraceManager section on our website, including an edition comparison sheet, webcasts etc.:

Firebird Foundation will have Annual General Meeting at March 20, 13. Join FF now

Firebird Foundation, the non-profit organization which finances Firebird development, will have Annual General Meeting (AGM) at March 20, 2013.

The AGM addresses the issues that are required to continue functioning from year to year: review the finances, hear what the committee(s) have been doing, elect a new committee.

This is a good moment to join Firebird Foundation as voting ($300) or associate ($50) member.

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