Ohloh pages for Firebird and Jaybird are now updated with new code locations from SourceForge

Ohloh page for Firebird wasn’t updated from the previous year after the SourceForge platform migration . You can view it now here.
And you can use the various widgets to your webpages , blogs.
Jaybird is moved to it’s own page and code repository is monitored there
ps: There was an issue with importing the new code locations from SourceForge and now is solved

IBProvider 3.13.3. First new year release and free access to LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLEDB

Firebird driver

A half year before we product first release of LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLEDB, which became powerful alternative of standard .Net OLE DB Provider and provide advanced opportunities for all Firebird and Interbase users in .Net Framework:

  • Automatic generation of command parameters which you do not need to enter manually anymore;
  • Named and unnamed parameters, also IN, OUT and IN-OUT parameters;
  • Connection pooling and SQL statement pooling which let your code run even faster;
  • Nested («nested_trans=true») and distributed (TransactionScope, EnlistTransaction) transactions;
  • All data types, including GUID, TIME (Dialect 3), DATE (Dialect 3) and multidimensional arrays;
  • The MARS technology which enables working simultaneously with several active DataReader objects;
  • And hey, ExecuteScalar now really loads one value only, not the entire record
  • Multiple parameter-containing commands in one statement (SQL scripts);

Up to this day LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLEDB was available only in professional version of IBProvider but now you can download it on the download page together with first release of IBProvider in the new year:

You cand download Firebird OLE DB Provider and ADO .Net Data Provider here.


Firebird git repository visualization with gource

Are you using git/svn as version control system and you ever wanted to visualize delveloper’s work, how the Firebird project was developed over time ?
well Gource is there to visualize all this in a beautiful way. It takes the history of your svn/git repository and visualizes the changes over time,
by whom they were done and so forth.

sudo apt-get install gource git
git clone git://github.com/asfernandes/firebird.git firebird-git

Now run the following and you should see the animation being presented.
gource firebird-git/.git -s 1

or if you want to create the movie using various video formats use the following command line (wordpress replaces the — with other chars)



Enjoy the Movie (Recomended in HD version)

ps: Tip via General Foo

Firebird github mirror is back

Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote on firebird-devel about the github mirror for svn (it wasn’t updated sice December)

I have manually pushed (*) the changes and I believe it will push
automatically since now.

* Due to the fact that sourceforge accepted some commits on the older
SVN repository, and that commits were already pushed to GIT, I had to
force push now, so the latests commits have changed. Not a good thing,
but no better way to do it. I hope it still works. 🙂

Old svn repo is closed after the SF migration , Use the new one

Please use ‘svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/firebird/code/firebird/trunk’ to get fresh source code

Or use the git mirror

git clone git://github.com/asfernandes/firebird.git



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