Firebird backend for Django 1.6.x is updated

Here are a few fixes for v1.6.x Release Candidate 1 commited into master
Fixed missing date_interval_sql implementation. #21
Fixed datetime_trunc_sql NotImplementedError. #20
Fixed missing SQLDateTimeCompiler. #19
Fixed BigIntegerField is not supported in introspection. #18
Fixed BinaryField is not supported in introspection. #17
Fixed missing method name. #11
Fixed due to README extension change. #12

Also Django Firebird stable 1.5.2 is uploaded to pypi with a few fixes backported from master branch (if you use Django 1.5.x)

LibreOffice 4.2 released with New Preview Feature : Firebird SQL backend

New feature preview feature in LibreOffice 4.2  : Firebird SQL connector for LibreOffice Base ( contributed by Andrzej Hunt). When creating a new Database, select Firebird Embedded in the drop down menu (you have to first enable the Experimental features in Tools ▸Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced).


This allows creation of databases that perform many times faster than the previous built-in HSQLDB 1.8, avoiding the C++-to-Java overhead inherent in using HSQLDB. We plan to phase HSQLDB out over the next few releases, and provide a smooth migration path to Firebird.

Here is the history of Firebird -> Libo GSOC integration (idea ,code ,bugs, blog posts)

1 101 102 103 104 105 200