How can we increase passion in Firebird users/developers

There is long thread on increasing the passion in Firebird users (Or how can we improve the project).
Alternate threaded view is on gmane.

I liked this response about the long Firebird 3.0 release cycle

To be fair, V3 involved massive changes to the code base – breaking the server into pluggable
so it can handle multiple versions without hugely complicating the code, plus fine grained
, plus new security features essential for a contemporary database) and dozens
of other major features.

There are more changes in Firebird V3 than any version I can think of since InterBase V1 to
InterBase V3 … maybe excepting V3 to V4 which added Windows support and SuperServer.
It’s an amazing feat for such a small group, and all the changes are critically important if Firebird
is to succeed in the next decade.

Best regards,


Firebird backend for Django 1.6.x is updated

Here are a few fixes for v1.6.x Release Candidate 1 commited into master
Fixed missing date_interval_sql implementation. #21
Fixed datetime_trunc_sql NotImplementedError. #20
Fixed missing SQLDateTimeCompiler. #19
Fixed BigIntegerField is not supported in introspection. #18
Fixed BinaryField is not supported in introspection. #17
Fixed missing method name. #11
Fixed due to README extension change. #12

Also Django Firebird stable 1.5.2 is uploaded to pypi with a few fixes backported from master branch (if you use Django 1.5.x)

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