Firebird COBOL users united

Stephen Boyd asked:

“Before you all go eeeewwww yuck who still uses COBOL, the answer is
lots of us. My immediate goal is to try to find out if there are many
Interbase / Firebird users who still use COBOL like we do.
[ED: you can read the full thread on Firebird-General mailing list] – new site , new license , new version

The site has, again, changed.
Change of software (DokuWiki instead of MediaWiki) and change of hosting servers.

Let there be Fire – morfik site revamped , WebOS AppsBuilder released

Today I was glad to see the new website of Morfik Technology was unveiled. Along with a totally redesigned web site, comes the public release of a test version of the their WebOS AppsBuilder tool. These transformations probably reflect a move by Morfik, to bring the development of the WebOS AppsBuilder into the light, after being kept in the shadows for quite some time.

Ed:if you don’t know what is the link between firebird and morfik here is an e-mail interview with the Morfik team

New Debian firebird2 packages fix denial of service

Aviram Jenik and Damyan Ivanov discovered a buffer overflow in firebird2, an RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code, that allows remote attackers to crash.

Coverity Open Source Defect Scan of Firebird

Hello Firebird Developers,

I’m the CTO of Coverity, Inc., a company that does static source code
analysis to look for defects in code. You may have heard of us or of our
technology from its days at Stanford (the “Stanford Checker“). The
reason I’m writing is because we have set up a framework internally to
continually scan open source projects and provide the results of our
analysis back to the developers of those projects. Firebird is one of
the 32 projects currently scanned at:

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