Firebird and Suse

Since I helped Mandriva to do their packages for Firebird, I jumped and with Michal, we made things happen
Users of Opensuse 10.0,10.1,10.3 and future 11.0 but also SLE 10 can now just use the server:database repository  and get Firebird 2.0.4
As soon as the Firebird Project will publish Firebird 2.1.1, packages will be there too.

Testing needed for Firebird 2.0.4 and Firebird 2.1.0 packages for debian

As you may have noticed, debian experimental got firebird2.0 (2.0.4) and
firebird2.1 (2.1.0).

I would really appreciate if you give these some testing.

Firebird 2.1 CTE are supported by Active Query Builder

Active Query Builder logo

Active Database Software announced release of the new minor version of Active Query Builder, a true two-way visual SQL query builder component that allows end-users to build complex SQL queries via the intuitive visual interface. The component is available as VCL and ActiveX control, as well as .NET WinForms component.

Recent improvements include:

  • Support of Common Table Expressions (CTE) for Firebird 2.1 and higher,

Performance improvement by using firebird client from cvs head

He doubled his performance by just switching the firebird client :

We’ve just built and tested ‘’ from the head branch and tested
it against the release version 2.0.3. In other words, we only switched out
the client library, and left the database server itself intact at version

Firebird Data Wizard 8.4 released

SQL Maestro Group announces the release of Firebird Data Wizard 8.4, a powerful Windows GUI utility for Firebird data management.

New version features:

  • Now it is possible to create a system scheduled task or convert a task created in Data wizard to system one.
  • Command line options have been implemented.
  • Since this version each task is displayed as a separated icon in the system tray when executing.
  • PHP Generator: a lot of new features. See full press-release for details.
  • Data Pump: now you can execute custom SQL scripts after connecting, before data importing and after pumping.
  • ASP.NET generator: since this version it is possible to specify a custom connection string.
  • All the wizards: a lot of minor improvements and corrections were made.

There are also versions for other DBMS (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL, etc). Read full press release.

Firebird Project has now ports for the top4 embedded processors

Firebird Project has now ports for the top4 embedded processors used in small devices like phones
The top cpu used in that area are arm,x86,mips,powerpc according to linuxdevices survey

Here are the build results for firebird2.0 package on debian on main cpu architectures used in debian

The latest port is for arm cpu , and here is the devel-thread

1 38 39 40 41 42 57