Firebird 2.1 and Flamerobin 0.9 added to altlinux

Firebird 2.1.1 and Flamerobin 0.9 are added to altlinux.Also latest odbc driver for firebird and mono 2.0.1
AltLinux is an Linux distro that will be used in all the Russian Schools
Other related news about altlinux you can grab from google
[Ed:so this is a big thing , imagine that firebird will be available to every kid or school there , also in Brazil they will have linux on ~50,000,000 desktops for kids , what we need now is some good translated books and documentation]

New IBProvider support of 49 code pages

The new IBProvider version:

Read details on: Firebird driver news channel

Firebird Gets the Eye of the Sphinx- full-text search engine

Sphinx is a very powerful and popular free open source full-text search engine. A few days ago, Sphinx was released. Vlad Khorsun and Pierre Yager made a patch for Sphinx to support Firebird. Their patches and Windows binary are available to download and try out.

It’s an great search engine used a lot in the LAMP world So now for example if you create and phpbb site with firebird back end , you can use sphinx for indexing and fast search. Another idea is : use it to index the whole database if you have large quantities of text and you need to search for keywords (an movie comments database for example)

Building Firebird 2.5 from Debian git repository

These are the general notes on building Firebird 2.5 from debian git , and it should work on any debian based distro like ubuntu or others

CakePHP RC3 – The RC of Triumph!

It’s finally here: the final release before the final release of
CakePHP 1.2 [ED:Tested and works just fine with Firebird 2.1]

Some of you may remember the benchmarks posted by Rasmus Lerdorf, in
which CakePHP did not perform so well. We can all debate Rasmus’ due
diligence (or lack of), but what was clear was that we had some
catching up to do. Over the past few weeks, Larry has worked
tirelessly on iteration after iteration of performance improvements,
and now we’re faster than ever before. By itself, the bootstrap
process is over 10x faster than RC2, and basic requests for static
content are now about 5x faster overall.

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