New version of FreeAdhocUDF released

Today we uploaded a new version “adhoc 20101206″ of FreeAdhocUDF – the St.Nicholas edition.
There are some bugfixes, raise of exactness in some functions and 16 new functions (totally now 580!), among more UTF-8 versions of existing functions.

This is a recommended update. The most interesting new functions are
F_TZVALUETOUTC which shows the diff of local time to UTC in hours
F_LOCAL2UTC which converts the local server time to UTC
F_UTC2LOCAL which converts UTC to the local server time
Whith this new functions you can merge now easyly dates from different timezones into one database.

(Nearly) all functions are running in Windows and Linux, with InterBase and FireBird, with 32 and 64bit

FreeAdhocUDF is licenced under the LGPL and you can use it without costs also in commercial projects – see licence.
You can download it from
Documentation found at
For all kind of questions and bug-reports use eMail

adhoc dataservice / Christoph Theuring

New version of FreeAdhocUDF released

Right to the FireBird Conference starting tomorrow in Bremen we uploaded a new version “adhoc 20101111” of FreeAdhocUDF.
There are some importend bugfixes, expanded functions, 11 new functions (totally now 551!) and new support for InterBaseXE 32 und 64bit.

This is a recommended update.
FreeAdhocUDF is the the first (and still the only?) UDF-library with UTF-8 and UNICODE-FSS support.
FreeAdhocUDF is licenced under the LGPL and you can use it without costs also in commercial projects – see licence.
You can download it from
Documentation found at – still be updateted in the next days …
For all kind of questions and bug-reports use eMail

adhoc dataservice / Christoph Theuring

Announcement :stable version of Firebird driver for the PHP Codeigniter Framework

Carlos wrote on firebird-php group : I’ve developed a stable version of a Firebird driver for the PHP Codeigniter Framework . Good feedback has been received from the Codeigniter community so far, and hope this could be useful for more developers working with PHP and Firebird.The sources are available at bitbucket here and any issues can be reported here
or at my blog here and for the English readers

Thanx, live long and prosper…
Carlos García Trujillo

ps: seems that the driver is quite popular in such a small timeframe

I am happy that my driver for # firebird # codeigniter already are used by people from around the world in so little time:)

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