Jaybird 6.0.0 released

We’re happy to announce the first release of Jaybird 6, Jaybird 6.0.0.

What’s new

The major changes and new features in Jaybird 6 are:

Upgrading from Jaybird 5 should be straightforward, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 6. If you’re using Jaybird with the native or embedded connections, you will need to make some additional changes. See also Upgrading from Jaybird 5 to Jaybird 6.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/jaybird/issues.

See also the full Jaybird 6.0.0 release notes.


The release is also available on Maven:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: jaybird
version: 6.0.0

If you use the native or embedded protocol, you need to add the jaybird-native dependency:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: jaybird-native
version: 6.0.0

For ChaCha64 wire encryption support, add the chacha64-plugin dependency:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: chacha64-plugin
version: 6.0.0

Jaybird 6.0.0-beta-1 available for testing

Jaybird 6.0.0-beta-1 is now available for testing. You can download the distribution zip from Jaybird 6.0.0-beta-1 (GitHub).


This version is provided for testing purposes only. We’d appreciate your feedback, but we’d like to emphasize that this version is not intended for production.

What’s new

The major changes and new features in Jaybird 6 are:

Upgrading from Jaybird 5 should be straightforward, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 6. If you’re using Jaybird with the native or embedded connections, you will need to make some additional changes. See also Upgrading from Jaybird 5 to Jaybird 6.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/jaybird/issues.

See also the full Jaybird 6.0.0-beta-1 release notes.


The release is also available on Maven:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: jaybird
version: 6.0.0-beta-1

If you use the native or embedded protocol, you need to add the jaybird-native dependency:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: jaybird-native
version: 6.0.0-beta-1

For ChaCha64 wire encryption support, add the chacha64-plugin dependency:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: chacha64-plugin
version: 6.0.0-beta-1

Jaybird 5.0.6 released

We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.6.

The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.5:

  • Fixed: Exceptions during statement execution did not always complete the statement, which could delay transaction commit in auto-commit mode (#806)
  • Fixed: Closing a connection when the database was shutdown, or the connection was otherwise broken, could result in a NullPointerException (#812)
  • Fixed: Error “Column unknown; IND.RDB$CONDITION_SOURCE” when calling DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo on Firebird 5.0 with a Firebird 4.0 (ODS 13.0) database (#813)
  • Fixed: Calling ResultSet.wasNull() when on the insert-row throws a SQLException instead of reporting the null-state of the last retrieved column (#816)
  • Fixed: Inserting a row into a result set backed by a server-side scrollable cursor could include the inserted row twice (#819)
  • Improvement: Updated JNA dependency to version 5.15.0 (#823)

Jaybird 5 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 8, 11, 17, 21, and 23 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

New Issue of EmberWings Magazine on Firebird Released

EmberWings is a quarterly, free PDF magazine about Firebird.

In addition to technical articles, guides, and tips, it features interviews with noteworthy individuals, updates on Firebird’s development, community news, reviews of interesting products, and a touch of thematic humor. All of this presented in a streamlined format with an aesthetically pleasing print-friendly layout.

You can access all three issues directly on the IBPhoenix website.

New issue of EmberWings magazine published

EmberWings is a quarterly PDF magazine about Firebird published by IBPhoenix.

Beyond technical articles, instructions and tips, it contains interviews with noteworthy individuals, an overview of Firebird’s development, information from the Firebird community, evaluations of compelling products, and a touch of thematic humor. All of this presented in a streamlined format with an aesthetically pleasing print-friendly layout.

The magazine is available in IBPhoenix store for free on a pay-what-you-want basis, with half of the proceeds going to the Firebird Foundation. The remaining half is used to finance the publication of the magazine.

This issue has 70 pages.

Jaybird 5.0.5 released

We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.5.

The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.4:

  • Fixed: FBResultSetMetaData.getPrecision would always estimate the precision of NUMERIC or DECIMAL columns instead of obtaining the actual precision if the column position was 71 or higher (#731)
  • Optimized the query to retrieve extended field info for ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision to only retrieve columns of type NUMERIC or DECIMAL (#732)
  • Fixed: PreparedStatement.executeBatch() of statement without parameters throws “Statement used in batch must have parameters [SQLState:07001, ISC error code:335545186]” on Firebird 4.0 or higher (#788)
  • New feature: ResultSetMetaData.isAutoIncrement(int) reports true for identity columns if Jaybird can identify the underlying table and column (#793)
  • New feature: Boolean connection property extendedMetadata (default true) to disable querying of extended metadata for getPrecision(int) and isAutoIncrement(int) of ResultSetMetaData (#795)
  • Improvement: The FILTER_CONDITION of DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo is populated for Firebird 5.0 partial indices (#797)
  • Fixed: ResultSet.isBeforeFirst() and ResultSet.isAfterLast() should always report false for an empty result set (#807)
  • Improvement: Statement.getResultSet no longer throws a SQLException with message “Only one result set at a time/statement” if the current result set has already been returned by executeQuery or a previous call to getResultSet (#762)
  • Improvement: Updated JNA dependency to version 5.14.0 (#810)

Jaybird 5 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 8, 11, 17, 21, and 22 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

libpthread compatibility problem with Firebird 2.5

We’ve identified an issue where the latest libpthread library versions are not compatible with Firebird 2.5 (including the latest available release of vanilla version and HQbird 2.5 till the version

This incompatibility may cause Firebird 2.5 to crash during certain operations on newer Linux distributions. The error occurs frequently in architectures SuperServer and SuperClassic, and less frequently, in Classic.

Immediate Action Required:
To prevent any impact on Firebird 2.5, please follow the guidance provided below.

Assessing Your System:
Determining which Linux distributions are impacted is dificult since libpthread updates can be applied to older operating system versions, potentially introducing the issue to Firebird. It means that any update of OS can bring the problem to your system, even if you are running old version. It means that you need to test your instance of OS.

Testing for Compatibility:
We’ve developed a command-line application to test whether libpthread is compatible with Firebird 2.5.

Download Instructions:
•  The binary for the test application can be downloaded from the following link: www.ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/pthr-tst
•  The source code for the test application is also available at this link: www.ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/test.cpp

Execution Guide:
Execute the test application in your terminal as outlined in the instructions below to perform the compatibility check.

For the Operating System with old libptread (i.e., it is compatible with 2.5)  

wget https://ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/pthr-tst
chmod +x pthr-tst
# ./pthr-tst 
Set signals
Sigenv works 

For the Operating System with new libptread (i.e., not compatible with 2.5):

# ./pthr-tst
Set signals
Segmentation fault

What to do next in short-term

For Firebird 2.5 vanilla users:
If you have made the test and found that libpthread is not compatible with Firebird 2.5, change the architecture to Classic (make sure to do not confuse the configuration!), and then plan to reinstall your Linux Operating System to the old version with compatible libpthread, which does not have this problem – as soon as possible.

If you have made the test and did not encounter the problem with libpthread, there is no direct danger at the moment. Make this test after each OS update.

Please note that Firebird 2.5 is discontinued version, and Firebird Project will not release fix for vanilla version of 2.5.

For user of commercial versions
Contact your vendor to receive a fix.

What to do next in long-term? Upgrade!

Take this as a final notice that you need to upgrade to Firebird 5.0. The version 2.5 was good and stable, but it originates from 2010, the majority of products released in that year already retired.

There are enough material to perform upgrade in the smooth and easy way, see for details Practical Migration Guide to Firebird 5.


Please feel free to ask any questions: ak@firebirdsql.org

Original article: https://firebirdsql.org/en/news/urgent-and-import-message-for-users-of-firebird-2-5-on-linux/

Jaybird 5.0.4 released

We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.4.

The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.3:

  • Firebird 5.0 is now formally supported
  • Fixed: Potential NPE when warningMessageCallback is null while reading operations or consuming packets (#778)
  • Fixed: FBRowUpdater incorrectly considers result set with only partial PK updatable — backported from Jaybird 6 (#780)
  • Fixed: Use of offset timezone names (e.g. +05:00) for sessionTimeZone would result in a warning being logged, and an incorrect conversion applied (in UTC instead of the offset) when using the legacy time types — backported from Jaybird 6 (#787)

Jaybird 5 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 8, 11, 17 and 21 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

Jaybird 5.0.3 and 4.0.10 released

We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.3 and Jaybird 4.0.10.

With this release, Jaybird 4 is end-of-life. We recommend upgrading to Jaybird 5.

Jaybird 5.0.3

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 5.0.2:

  • Improvement: Do not reject attempts to read blob id 0 — backported from Jaybird 6 (#765)
  • Fixed: on CHAR fields, a too short value could be returned if the string contained one or more codepoints represented by surrogate pairs and the string length in char exceeded the maximum string length — backported from Jaybird 6 (#770)
  • Fixed: CallableStatement.getXXX(String) could return value from wrong column — backported from Jaybird 6 (#772)
  • Updated: error messages updated from Firebird

Jaybird 5 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 8, 11, 17, and 21 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

Jaybird 4.0.10

Jaybird 4.0.10 is the last release of Jaybird 4, and Jaybird 4 is now end-of-life. We recommend upgrading to Jaybird 5.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.9

  • Fixed: Reconnect transaction with a transaction id exceeding 0x7FFF_FFFF did not work (#734)
  • Fixed: CallableStatement.getXXX(String) could return value from wrong column — backported from Jaybird 6 (#773)
  • Updated: error messages updated from Firebird

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, 17, and 21 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

RedExpert 2023.08 has been released

You can join to the Telegram chat for discussion.

New version of RedExpert 2023.08 is available.


  1. Online table validation.
  2. Different date-time templates for fields with DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP types.
  3. Line wrapping mode in the Query Editor.
  4. Support of the PSQL-profiler.
  5. Tree view display with a panel of differences for each object as a DB comparer result.
  6. New Foreign Key selection panel on the “Data” tab when working with DB tables.
  7. Resetting color to default by RMB click in the color settings.
  8. Ability to filter columns by their names in the “Result Column Visibility” window for a Result Set.
  9. Audit analysis.
  10. Auto-complete for packages (procedures and functions are suggested after a dot).
  11. Date display in the application log.
  12. Writing trace to file without parsing in the application.
  13. Navigation of tabs with a mouse wheel.
  14. Ability to enable or disable parsing of variable declarations in Procedures and Functions.
  15. Recalculation index statistics from the corresponding tab of the table.


  1. Inability to add a comment for a table field when editing it.
  2. An error due to which the content of the “SQL” tab during table creation was not updated when changing the “Comment” tab content.
  3. Option “Show Grid” in the “Links” tab when working with a DB table.
  4. Displaying the username in the “Select Result” tab when editing a user is confirmed.
  5. Generation of the SQL scripts for packages, views, tables and jobs.
  6. “Description” tabs renamed to “Comment”.
  7. Incorrect application of theme and style for the Query Editor.
  8. Wrong SQL script formatting in the Query Editor.
  9. NPE when navigating through folders in the connection tree.
  10. An error due to which the fields and constraints of the DB table disappeared when changing its comment.
  11. Defects when moving multiple connections to a folder in the connection tree.
  12. Error getting tablespaces and jobs from the Firebird connection during DB comparison.
  13. Error editing cell in the Result Set.
  14. An error due to which when installing an application with root, it was not added to the application menu.
  15. Adding a post-install application shortcut for all users that could not be removed.
  16. Errors while updating the application. Updates are now downloaded and unpacked into the temporary folder, and only one copy of the application must be open to run the update.
  17. Error opening Trace Manager, if there are non-standard drivers.
  18. Error saving ER-diagrams.
  19. Displaying scale for NUMERIC type.
  20. Sorting of visible columns of Trace Manager.
  21. Errors working with column names starting with a space.
  22. Failure to insert a password when creating a user.
  23. Search in the object tree (by string occurrence).
  24. Incorrect authentication error detection.
  25. Failure to copy name when editing an object.
  26. Generating DDL functions containing cursors.
  27. Adjusting width of the Result Set columns by content.
  28. Editing Primary Key fields by multiple fields.
  29. Disabled the ability to use ARRAY data type.
  30. Localized: Driver Selection Panel; Color Selection Panel; File Selection/Saving Panel; labels, hints and context menus in the Query Editor; Password View Panel; Connection Details Panel; Notepad Panel; ER-diagram Editor.

Download and install the new version.

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