FBClone 2.2.1 released – This is not only a bugfix version it can “normalize” a multi charset database

FBClone 2.2.1 is released to google code
This is more than a “bugfix release” for FBClone here are a few of new features and fixes:
-It Can “normalize” a multi charset database by ignoring all “character set” definitions from source db
See flags -ics -ko in combination with -tc UTF8.
-It supports domains in SP parameters as well as NOT NULL, TYPE OF and COLLATE.
-It’s changed creation order of UNIQUE/FOREIGN and VIEW TRG/TABLE TRG as suggested by users in issues.

You need to use it from command line and specify the source and target database
fbclone source employee.fdb target new_db.fdb user sysdba password *****
News via Pierre Yager tweet

New Arabic Lazarus Free Pascal Firebird book

After the first book now translated to English : Start programming using Object Pascal Language
I’ve released my second book about FreePascal/Lazarus/Object Pascal.
Book title is Second step with object pascal. In Arabic “الخطوة الثانية مع أوبجكت باسكال”

You can download this book from here http://code.sd/secondstep
The book also contains a lot of sample applications written in Lazarus.


1. Memory
2. Files management
3. Relational Databases : Firebird SQL
4. Web Applications
5. Socket programming

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