Liberado Firebird 2.1
jachguate‘s blog in Spanish about new features introduced in Firebird 2.1
jachguate‘s blog in Spanish about new features introduced in Firebird 2.1
I want to implement software which needs a embedded database engine. I search this forum so many times. The language I must use C++. Then I have two methods to choice
PLEASE let the LAMP acronym die already! There are so many alternatives in Free Software land.
L: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OpenSolaris, several more.
A: Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, dozens more.
M: MySQL, PostgreSQL, FirebirdSQL, SQLite, and more…
P: PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl, Groovy, Scala, Tcl, Smalltalk, Lisp, the list can go on forever.
original post was on
From time to time I got a question about the difference between unique key and unique constraint.
When configuring a Windows machine for use by the Evolution™ payroll service-bureau system, a common step is installing the open-source Firebird database software; this Evo Tip details the process.
We finally solved the last major problem in the Firebird 2.0x build for Solaris 10 AMD 64bit. Whenever we tried to include editline in the build isql_static would coredump. We tracked the problem down
I’m doing some performance tests today with our three different database backends: MySql, Firebird and SQL Server.
Here is an cron backup script written in python
here are the screenshots and connection string used for 2.4
How to enable firebird support in xampp