Category: Blogroll
firebird 2.0.x on debian etch (current stable distro)
Here is an guide for installing firebird 2.0.3 on debian stable (etch )
it is recommended to use lenny where firebird package is more up to date or to use the latest firebird 2.0.5 release
ps: i will notify Damyan to update the package
Installing qt4.5 with Firebird support on Ubuntu
Here are the notes for Installing qt4.5 with Firebird support and running the db demo (tested on ubuntu jaunty but it should work on intrepid too)
Firebird 2.1 update or insert statement
Another great feature that I like in Firebird 2.1 is the UPDATE OR INSERT statement. It’s a really time saver and it makes the SQL cleaner.
Firebird TPC Benchmarking Part 1 – Porting the TPC-H suite
Name and path of .NET program accessing Firebird database
Read more on Jiri’s post Name and path of .NET program accessing Firebird database.
German article on aggregate tables with Firebird is available as download
For the German speaking folks here …
I made my article “Aggregatstabellen mit Firebird” (aggregate tables
with Firebird) from the Entwickler Magazin 5.2008 available as download.
Check out my blog:
difference between count(*) and count(field)
What is the difference between “select count(*) from sometable” and “select count(somefield) from sometable”?