Cooking With Firebird and Apache – Do The FLAP way

An interesting pdf paper about Firebird and Apache+PHP

Spiceware Software wants to give as much support for the development of the Firebird Database Engine as possible, to this end we decided to dedicate our resources in helping with the documentation side of the project. Currently we are busy with a document on how to setup Apache, PHP & Firebird together for development on Windows and Linux. The document is linked below for you to download. Feel free to report errors.

Firebird Reddit Channel – Experimenting new areas

I just started to post some Firebird Related links or interesting news on reddit too (cross posted also on )

PS: I like this channel more than digg, also they have interesting news in the programming/database area

For thouse who still use irc there is an #firebird channel on freenode , usually I’m on ubuntu channels when I have time or are some important events.

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