Tip of the day :ISQL console add command
ISQL has an “add” command to interactively insert records in a table.
Syntax is “add table_name” then it asks for values of each field
More about this command on Firebird-Devel list
ISQL has an “add” command to interactively insert records in a table.
Syntax is “add table_name” then it asks for values of each field
More about this command on Firebird-Devel list
In this post I explained how to set up an embedded Firebird version for Linux.A few weeks ago I read a post from Olivier Mascia that explained a simpler way: instead of starting the program using a script that sets up a couple of environment variables, just callsetenv() to set those variables in the program.
There are many good articles in the archives about firebird and creating an accounting program with open source tools.
Is Firebird really free? Read more on Jiri Cincura’s blog.
Firebird .NET provider team is proud to announce next version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird – 2.6.0.
From Marco Cantu’s blog:
Now, this could be a very good opportunity for all of the other open source database servers (and also some of paid ones!), particularly the most popular ones like Firebird and PostgreSQL. I’m particularly fond of Firebird (the InterBase offspring) and use it in many projects and did a lot of consulting to Delphi developers using it. Can this be the rise of Firebird? MySQL with its huge popularity has certainly obscured it, so it could be a good time to act.
The decline will not be immediate, it will take some time, notably Apache distributions like XAMPP and WAMP will have to offer users alternatives to MySQL, as most developers use these packages, instead of installing products independently. All is not lost, the Open Source community has plenty of options. There are two well established alternatives to MySQL: PostgreSQL and Firebird. Both have large established communities, and support of major corporations. One of these will become the next MySQL
Notes on working with Flamerobin and Firebird Embedded on the Windows side
By default, the transactions are IBASE_WAIT, so it waits until the record is no longer edited. You have to start a transaction with the IBASE_NOWAIT option to get an immediate response in a deadlock situation.
One example is a php application waiting for desktop app (administration tool) to finish the transaction
When I try to update a record that’s edited in a desktop app or IBexpert, and there is a deadlock, ibase_execute just hangs, does not return any value nor raises an exception.