How to: Apache2 + PHP5 + Firebird2.0/interbase + Ubuntu 7.10
an great post with an alternate way of installing firebird 2.0.x in ubuntu 7.10 (from tar.gz)
Technical articles, How-tos, guides, etc.
an great post with an alternate way of installing firebird 2.0.x in ubuntu 7.10 (from tar.gz)
Here is the guide , via
With the growing concerns regarding comment SPAM, XSS attacks, security breaches, etc, we should spend some time learning how to defend ourselves against such threats.etc. So, let’s focus on securing our PHP server, thus barring most of the attacks from the start.
Firebird 2.1 is in late beta/early RC state now, with lots of fantastic new features. Here are the issues with UIB
I’ve decided to try to install into VS2008 the DDEX provider. It has been working like a charm. I’ve been doing steps like in any other installation
The Firebird Reference Documentation Sub-Project has the goal to create a comprehensive Reference Documentation for the Firebird SQL Database.
PS: Anyone can pick a topic and write a piece of documentation for it. It’s small pieces on a per-keyword-basis, with no markups, just plain text with a very basic structure skeleton – so no skills in html, docbook or anything like that are required. The plan is to keep the “entry level” very low so everyone here can help. Final doc will look something like this.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your database could tell you that something it thinks you should know about just happened? For example that a record was inserted, modified or deleted from your favorite table. Well, some databases actually can and as of Qt 4.4 you may be able to take advantage of this in your Qt applications.
This is the results of a single successful installation of Firebird SQL server on Leopard. Most of the configuration was carried out while on a short commuter flight from Ottawa to Toronto this evening, there exists no warrantee or promises.
In this article is described how to run sql scripts from the shell (bash or D.O.S)